HTML element does not become visible


Viewed 1,182 times


I have the following HTML:

<form action="cadastro/cadastrando.php" method="post">
    <div class="elemf">
        <input id="nome" type="text" name="nome" maxlength="15"/>
        <p class="nome_erro">Campo Obrigatório. São permitidos letras e acentos.</p>

When I take the focus of the text field and it is empty, the message that is with the class should appear 'nome_erro'. However it does not appear, it seems that the code executes the method below, but does not change the value of the attribute display, continuing 'none'.

Follows the CSS:

.erro {
    font: 12px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    color: #ff0000;
    left: 10px;
    display: inline-block;
.nome_erro {
    display: none;

And Javascript:

$(document).on('blur','input, textarea, select', function() {
    if($(this).val() === '') {
        switch($(this).attr('id')) {
            case 'nome':
    } else {
        switch($(this).attr('id')) {
            case 'nome':

5 answers


You have a conflict of priorities. Use so:

display: inline-block !important;

The !important force the display to be inline-block, overlapping none

Online example:

Note: As Leofelipe pointed out and well, I also changed in the second switch the ID indicator # for class ., that is to say of



  • 1

    Still missing is the change @Leofelipe commented on in his reply. Switch selector to # for . in Else .

  • Actually, the conflict was taking place, but the strange thing is that in other places of the project that I’m doing, I wasn’t with this problem, in a strange way

  • 1

    that part of # and . was that I forgot to undo the changes before posting the question

  • Remembering that the statement !important is discouraged as it can generate unwanted effects and "complex" style errors in projects with many lines / CSS files.


The answers of Sergio and Leofelipe are correct. For my part I will propose a different way of doing the same thing, with less code:

var nome_erro = $(".nome_erro");
$("#nome").blur(function () {

The first line transforms the element into a variable, so you do not execute a query with each Blur execution. This improves performance.

  • 1

    Can only use: !this.value. Good optimization +1

  • @Sergio is right. I like short and simple code, I will switch to this form.


1º) Your remove Class is setting #error name_error and should be . error name_error.

2º) I usually use . show() and . Hide(). Example:


if($(this).val() === ''){
        case 'nome':
            $('.nome_erro').show(); break;
        case 'nome':
            $('.nome_erro').hide(); break;


I noticed that in your code you are validating all fields input,select ..., there is a problem in this, if there were no mandatory fields, this will bring you problems, if you intend to create your own validate, I will leave a hint, only didactic, that you can take as a basis and implement it.


<form name="form" id="form">
   <label for="nome">Nome <small>(obrigatório)</small></label>
   <input type="text" name="nome" data-required="true" />
   <small class="erro">Nome obrigatório</small>
   <label for="end">Endereço <small>(Não obrigatório)</small></label>
   <input type="text" name="end"/>
   <label for="end">Mensagem <small>(Obrigatório)</small></label>
   <textarea name="msg" data-required="true"></textarea>
   <small class="erro">Mensagem obrigatória</small>
   <button type="submit">Enviar</button>


label,input,textarea,button{display: block;}
small.erro {display:none; color:red;}


$.validate = {
    classErro: '.erro', //classe padrão de exibição de erros
    start: function(form){ // função para inicializar a validação
        //testa todos os campos que tiverem o atributo data-required
        $(form+' *[data-required]').on('blur',function(){
            if ($(this).val() == ''){ // se o campo estiver vazio, mostra erro
            } else { 
           //testa o form no momento do submit
                   //se não passar na validação impede o submit
      //função para validar no momento do submit
      validSubmit: function(form){
         // procura por campos com attr required
         $(form+' *[data-required]').each(function(){ 
             if ($(this).val() == ''){
             } else { 
         // se houver erro retorna falso
         if($(form+' small.erro:visible').length > 0){ 
             return false;
         return true;

// inicia a função passando como parametro o id do form

Example: Jsfiddle

Based on this example, you can create other functions to validate for example:

  • Dates
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • CPF and CPNJ

Among others, good luck!


CSS respects the law of superscription, that is, what comes last is that it has priority. So the solution would be to reverse the order of the classes:

.nome_erro {
    display: none;
.nome_erro.erro {
    font: 12px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    color: #ff0000;
    left: 10px;
    display: inline-block;

Example: FIDDLE

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