Is targeting page for frame system recommended?


Viewed 28 times


I have a system in PHP; to access it use the script below redirecting directly to it within the frame, so the address is static in the browser.

Is there a problem or no recommendation for this type of practice?

<frameset rows="0,*" border="0">
  <frame name="header" scrolling="no" noresize target="main">
    <frame name="main" src="">


1 answer


See what it says to specification W3C dealing with obsolete Features, see Section 11.2 Non-conforming Features:

Either use iframe and CSS Instead, or use server-side includes to generate complete pages with the Various invariant Parts merged in.

That is to say, use iframe in place of frame, since it is considered obsolete.

Regarding your question, if your intention is that one page be opened within another, there is no problem in using iframe. It is very useful when it is necessary to insert some content inside a page that does not contain it, for example, a PHP page on a server that only supports HTML, as long as the PHP page is hosted on a server that interprets PHP.

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