How to know how much of the content was downloaded in an Ajax request?


Viewed 84 times


I need to do that little animation, like on Youtube, of the progress bar that appears at the top.

How do I know how much content has been downloaded, to have a basis for the progress bar?

I didn’t want to make a two-point "static" animation, I want it consistent with actual loading progress.

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1 answer


You have to take the functions that return you the following information:

  • Loaded amount
  • Total quantity to be loaded

After you receive, just do the percentage calculation:

(quantidade_carregada * 100) / quantidade_total_a_ser_carregada

This will give you how many % (percent) has already been uploaded from the file.

See this plugin: Ajaxsubmit. This link has a simple upload progress bar:

$(document).ready(function() { 
var options = { 
    target:   '#output',   // target element(s) to be updated with server response 
    beforeSubmit:  beforeSubmit,  // pre-submit callback 
    success:       afterSuccess,  // post-submit callback 
    uploadProgress: OnProgress, //upload progress callback 
    resetForm: true        // reset the form after successful submit 

 $('#MyUploadForm').submit(function() { 
    return false; 


In the code below you get the variable percentComplete where the current upload percentage is. But it works the same way as the account I gave you at the beginning of the post, the difference is that here it already has calculated for you in the variable percentComplete

function OnProgress(event, position, total, percentComplete)
    //Progress bar
    $('#progressbar').width(percentComplete + '%') //update progressbar percent complete
    $('#statustxt').html(percentComplete + '%'); //update status text

  • I’m talking about the download, what was downloaded from the client side... That I already knew, buddy.

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