Save status of Fragments in viewPager


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inserir a descrição da imagem aquiWhenever the device is rotated I’m losing the content of Fragments that are in three tabs, I’ve already made use of onSaveInstanceState in Activity more now I’m taking a bath because of my main Activity I’m calling a Mainfragement this in turn recovers the three objects

    private TabLayout mTabLayout;
    private SectionsPagerAdapter mSectionsPagerAdapter;
    private ViewPager mViewPager;

and inflates the view that has three Fragments, the A, B and C, initially I tried to make the recovery in each Fragment more is not this because I keep losing the data of each view so I have to act on Mainfragment

I’m trying to change the adapter to solve the problem, still looking for references in the documentation if someone can give a force

Here is my adapter

class SectionsPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {

   private Fragment[] currentFragment ;
   private String[] mTabTiles;
   private Context mContext;

   public SectionsPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm, Context context, String[] tabTiles) {
      this.mTabTiles = tabTiles;
      this.mContext = context;
      this.currentFragment = new Fragment[this.mTabTiles.length];

   public Fragment getItem(int position) {

       Fragment frag = null;

       if (position==0){
          frag = new FragmentA();
        } else if(position==1){
          frag = new FragmentB();
        } else if(position==2){
          frag = new FragmentC();

     currentFragment[position] = frag;

     Bundle b = new Bundle();


    return frag;

   public int getCount() {
       return this.mTabTiles.length;

   public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {

       return this.mTabTiles[position] ;


and the Mainfragment

public class MainFragment extends Fragment {

   private static final String TAG = "MainFragment";

   private TabLayout mTabLayout;
   private SectionsPagerAdapter mSectionsPagerAdapter;
   private ViewPager mViewPager;

   public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                            Bundle savedInstanceState) {
       View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_main, container, false);

       Log.i(TAG, "onCreateView()");

       mSectionsPagerAdapter = new SectionsPagerAdapter(getFragmentManager(), getActivity(), getResources().getStringArray(R.array.tab_titulo));

       mTabLayout = (TabLayout) view.findViewById(;
       // Set up the ViewPager with the sections adapter.
       mViewPager = (ViewPager) view.findViewById(;

       return view;

   public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

       Log.i(TAG, "onSaveInstanceState");

       //outState.putInt("currentTab", mTabLayout.getCurrentTab());
       outState.putInt("position", mTabLayout.getSelectedTabPosition());
       outState.putInt("currentPage", mViewPager.getCurrentItem());

   public void onViewStateRestored(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

       Log.i(TAG, "onViewStateRestored");

       if(savedInstanceState!=null) {

           Log.i(TAG, "onViewStateRestored -> Posição: " +    savedInstanceState.getInt("position"));


           Log.i(TAG, "onViewStateRestored -> Posição: " + savedInstanceState.getInt("position") + " -> mViewPager.setCurrentItem()");


           Log.i(TAG, "onViewStateRestored -> Posição: " + savedInstanceState.getInt("position") + " -> mSectionsPagerAdapter.getItem()");


what I was able to research I updated the method onSaveInstanceState and created onViewStateRestored in the Mainfragment class that I have already updated in the code above, although this change did not give the expected result, I am calling the Viewpage Adapter with the position of the Tab and observe in the logcat the events when I rotate the device

// Salvando os estados
I/MainFragment: onSaveInstanceState
I/FragmentA: onSaveInstanceState()
I/FragmentB: onSaveInstanceState()

I/MainFragment: onCreateView()
// Nova instancia do adaptador
I/SectionsPagerAdapter: SectionsPagerAdapter()
// Aqui vejo que foi obtida a posição 0 da Tab ou seja a primeira Tab 
I/MainFragment: onViewStateRestored
I/MainFragment: onViewStateRestored -> Posição: 0
I/MainFragment: onViewStateRestored -> Posição: 0 ->     mViewPager.setCurrentItem()
I/SectionsPagerAdapter: getItem( 0)
I/MainFragment: onViewStateRestored -> Posição: 0 ->    mSectionsPagerAdapter.getItem()
I/FragmentA: onCreateView()
I/FragmentA: onActivityCreated()

I/MainFragment: onCreateView()
I/SectionsPagerAdapter: SectionsPagerAdapter()
I/MainFragment: onViewStateRestored
  • Be more explicit about which values you want to keep.

  • Hello Ramaral, so I need when rotate the device the information I have in the Tabs continue only this. When this occurs I have to select Tab by Tab one by one for its content to appear.

  • I don’t understand. If by selecting the tab the content appears it is because it has been saved.

  • When I select the Tab manually yes of course this appears because the Adapter ( Sectionspagerarpter ) is called and executes getItem(). What I want and I believe is this behavior of every app is when I access an Activity and rotate the device Android rebuilt the Screen, so using the methods to save I can restore the screen and this is my intention, I will update what I got researching these days.

  • I did an update of the Mainfragment class, I also updated my question with the event log, although I am searching the Tablayout and trying to save the getSelectedTabPosition() position very much expected viewPager.setCurrentItem(savedInstanceState.getInt(position)) could solve the problem and restore the data when I rotated the device because that’s what I understood, more I’m in the search

  • When you say "no show" when you rotate the device, does that mean the screen is blank? Why do you have Tablayout in the layout of a Fragment and not Activity?

  • I put an image of the rotated screen I believe that now give to exemplify what is occurring, in the portrait orientation all tabs had content qdo I rotate they disappear even I saving and recovering the state.

  • This should not happen. Views are automatically retrieved by the system. The only strange fact (never seen like this) is that Tablayout is in the layout of a Fragment and not in Activity, could be the reason for this anomalous behavior.

  • ramaral, the reason to be in a Fragment is the project was created with Navigation Drawer, the main activity contained to Tabs and Viewpager, only that I put other activities in the menu of Drawer and calling these I missed the Menu Drawer, got ugly so I turned everything into Fragments and what was in the main Activity the tabs I passed to a fragmentMain, at the beginning of the project I did not test the rotation of the device but I will do it going back the code.

  • Create an Activity with Drawer, then inherit the other activities from Drawer.

  • 1

    I did a test I created another project, and without Fragments in the main activity, Fragments are only for Tabs, in the xml of Activity Viewpage and really everything worked as it should and I didn’t even need to save state of anything in Activity, anything, ie the roll occurred when I "migrated" the Tabs and the Viewpage for a Fragment, then ramaral you this right quado said "This shouldn’t happen".

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I did another project in which I make use of tabs with Tablayout, Viewpager calling an Activity with this approach the positioning of the device did not cause any problems in the view everything worked correctly, then I conclude that I have migrated the tablayout and viewpage objects to a Fragment was what caused the behavior.

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