Javascript function that checks if the textarea scroll has been moved


Viewed 277 times


How to make a Javascript function that checks whether the scroll of a textarea (this textarea has a disclaimer) has been moved.

If the user moves the scroll, enable a div with the continuation of a registration form.

Follows the code:

document.getElementById('id').onscroll = function(){
   alert('foi movido');

1 answer


In pure Javascript

    document.getElementById('id').onscroll = function(){
       alert('foi movido');

Or you can also use this command from jQuery - .scroll

$("#id").scroll(function() { alert('Foi movido') });
  • 1

    Thank you very much Silvio Andorinha.

  • He didn’t mention jquery, just javascript. It was interesting to complete his reply by inserting an example with pure javascript.

  • @Filipe ok, I’m doing some tests here and I already complement the answer

  • I am zero in javascript knowledge. It didn’t work here

  • @Geraniel edit your question and post the code of your textarea please..

  • a look here’s working.

  • @Geraniel edited the question using the window.onload take the test again

  • @Geraniel yes it is because of the window.onload take the test with the change I made in response.

  • 1

    show stayed tri . Thank you very much

  • @Geraniel I am happy to help, as you are new on the site I advise you to take a look at this page

  • @Geraniel and if the answer helped you, please don’t forget to mark it as sure ;)

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