Sqlite shared between android Flavors


Viewed 51 times


Hi, I’m looking to make a paid ad-free version of my app that is already published in the play store. I wanted that if a person buys the paid version he does not lose all the data already registered in the free version, where I store everything in Sqlite. What is the way to share Sqlite data between different Flavors on android?

1 answer


You need both applications to use the same id.

Add this line to both manifesto:


Another option is through Custom Content Provider.

  • But in android studio only has one manifest. Should I create a folder for each Folder and in each folder use a different manifest? What about the Gradle configuration? Does each Flavor have the same id and version? And when publishing the paid version, the play store will look like a different app?

  • You have paid option and free. This should be put in the Manifest of the paid version and the free version.

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