I can’t select multiple objects from my components


Viewed 97 times


I am using a component of the primefaces, only when I select several items of this component I cannot select.

I am using an Enum, it needs to be an arrayList?

<h:outputLabel for="servico" value="Serviço:" />
    <p:selectCheckboxMenu id="servico" value="#{servicoBean.servico.tipoServico}" label="-- Selecione --" multiple="true"
          filter="true" filterMatchMode="startsWith" panelStyle="width:250px" required="true">
          <f:selectItems value="#{servicoBean.tipoServicos}" var="tpServ" itemLabel="#{tpServ.descricao}" itemValue="tpServ" />
  • Made like your own #{servicoBean.tipoServicos} is being filled in.

1 answer


The variable serviceBean.servico.serviceServico must be a type that receives several objects, but you will also need a converter because selectItems is filled with Selectitem objects and not with Typoservico.

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