I have a question when it comes to listing specific data from a table in a ListView
. When I use a method to list, I can get all the records from the table, only I would like to filter this data by id
and play at ListView
With the method below I can list all the orders in the table, how do I list the orders of a id
by passing by parameter the id
protected void onStart(){
final ListView lista = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.lvPedidos);
dialog = new ProgressDialog(StatusActivity.this);
Call<List<Pedidos>> call = ApiClient.getUsuario().getPedidos();
call.enqueue(new Callback<List<Pedidos>>() {
public void onResponse(Call<List<Pedidos>> call, Response<List<Pedidos>> response) {
if (dialog.isShowing())
final List<Pedidos> listaPedidos = response.body();
if (listaPedidos!=null){
PedidosAdapter adapter = new PedidosAdapter(getBaseContext(), listaPedidos);
Log.d("my_tag", "Entrou no Onresponse: " + response.body());
} else {
Log.d("my_tag", "Entrou no else: " + response.body());
public void onFailure(Call<List<Pedidos>> call, Throwable t) {
if (dialog.isShowing())
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Problema de acesso", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
You must implement in the service a method that does this and then access it like this:
– ramaral
Why don’t you just pass the already filtered list to Adapter? Or you would need the full list and the id filter would be applied dynamically?
– Giuliana Bezerra
That looks retrofit. You have to do it this way:
, But you have to go inside the methodgetPetidos
to change it to receive an id. Try to edit the question and put what you have inside the methodgetPedidos()
– viana
@Acklay, I’ve already created the method that lists all orders from a particular client, but I haven’t been able to call it within onResponde: @GET("Orders/searchId/{id}") Call<Orders> getPedidosPorId(@Path("id") int id); Now I need to call this method and I’m not getting it. The getPedidos method( ) lists all the records in the table, but I don’t need it, I need one that lists all the orders of a particular client, that is the client that will be logged in at the moment.
– Clicnet