ADB does not recognize Android 4.2.2 in Ubuntu


Viewed 1,232 times


I’m working on Ubuntu 13.04, and I just got a tablet with Android 4.2.2 directly from a manufacturer and I’m not getting ADB to recognize the tablet, and consequently I can’t do debug.

I’ve tried to:

  • restart the Android and the PC;
  • restart ADB (alias almost all ADB commands);
  • the Android has USB debugging on;

I have tested, with different SDK, on Ubuntu, in Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8 and nothing.
In windows if it is the device manager it appears with the exclamation point.

Vi here that needed to set the rules undev and followed these steps:

# lsusb 

Bus 001 Device 011: ID 1f3a:100b

# sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-android.rules

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1f3a", ATTR{idProduct}=="100b", MODE="0666", OWNER="my login"

# sudo service udev restart

But you still don’t recognize the device.

Source Ubuntu-precise-install-android-sdk

Can anyone imagine what it could be?

  • Tried to create the file with the prefix 51 instead of 99? If not, try creating even if it gets duplicated.

  • Yes, I’ve tried both, 51 and 99.

  • 1

    Type, Google table does not provide the idVendor for RFTECH. Try contacting their support to see if they provide this id for you. It seems to me that the problem may be this.

  • Yes I know, that’s probably the case, but I’m hoping it might be something else.

  • Try to carry out the recommended steps in windows, if it doesn’t work maybe just by contacting the same support.

1 answer


1. Ubuntu

You should go as sudo up to the directory /etc/udev/Rules. d/ and edit the file 51-android.Rules (if it does not exist, create).

Add that line:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

Replacing the {idVendor} by the value in the table it provides on the website.

At the end, use: chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules, take and plug the device again.

Also, make sure you’re running everything with the newest versions.

2. Windows*

If installing the manufacturer’s Driver and it doesn’t work, you will need to perform some steps.

In the device manager, look for the section Android Phone or Android Phone and expands.

Right click on Android Composite ADB Interface and select Update Drivers.

Select Install from a list or specific Location (Install from a specific list or location)

Choose the Google Driver (Google USB Driver) that is located on camio_para_o_sdk extras google usb_driver\ and continue.

*Some of these steps may be a little different depending on the version, anything refer to the source with specific instructions for each version

Source: Using Hardware Devices and OEM USB Drivers.

  • I just put your first point in the issue, I haven’t even seen your answer yet, but the point is, it still doesn’t work.

  • @Jorgeb., which the manufacturer of the tablet?

  • RFTECH rsrsrs

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