PDO class not found in namespace other than global


Viewed 216 times


I’m creating a class that uses PDO, but in a different namespace than global:

namespace Classes\Config;

use \PDO;

class Connection {
    public static function getConnection() {
        $dbhost = "algumhost";
        $dbuser = "algumuser";
        $dbpass = "algumasenha";
        $dbname = "algumabase";
        $dbms = "algumsgbd";
        $dbport = "9999";
        $dsn = "$dbms:host=$dbhost;port=$dbport;dbname=$dbname;user=$dbuser;password=$dbpass";
        try {
            $dblink = new PDO ( $dsn );
            $dblink->setAttribute ( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION );
        } catch ( PDOException $e ) {
            echo 'Erro na conexão: ' . $e->getMessage();

        return $dblink;

After trying to use the getConnecton method, I end up getting this error:

Fatal error: Class 'Classes\PDO' not found in path/para/meuarquivo.php on line 69

Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

P.S.: I use Composer to autoload my project.

PDO information in phpinfo(): inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I don’t know if it interferes with anything, but I’ve already taken the backslash, just doing use PDO;?

  • I have tried tbm. Before posting my question, I saw some posts about, but did not interfere with the result

  • Exactly the same error message? PHP searching for the PDO class in the namespace Classes?

  • Exactly.... :/

  • 1

    Why not use the class directly: new \PDO() ? As far as I understand it, it is not possible to import the namespace classes directly. But that doesn’t make sense either, since you can just put the first bar in front.

  • Even using the bar on new \PDO() php cannot find the class in the global namespace

  • @Cesarandré, in this case, is probably missing some extension. What version of your php? And the operating system?

  • @jlHertel PHP 5.6.14 and Windows 7

  • @Cesarandré, could you check the output of the phpinfo() command. Is there a section talking about the PDO? If so, which drivers were loaded?

  • @jlHertel http://imgur.com/a/tnMdm

  • @Cesarandré, I do not have access to Imgur. Could update your post with the image, or just answer the questions?

  • @Cesarandré, could post the error you received when using the syntax new \PDO() ?

  • is the same mistake I put in the question

  • 2

    It’s not just new \PDO. There are also constants \PDO::ATTR_ERRMOD and \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, and the Exception \PDOException. Get used to using backslash for everything global.

  • What’s more, your error appears Classes\PDO and the namespace of the file in question is Classes\Config. Your problem is elsewhere.

  • @Cesarandre, Gabriel is right. The mistake can’t be the same, because you changed the namespace. Please update the question with the command you tried along with the received error.

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