How to access DOM element from within the Clientesdao.js model?


Viewed 120 times


I am making a query to the database and, to display the result in a #state element of the form, Nodejs does not recognize Document.getElementById('element'), nor jQuery.


ReferenceError: document is not defined

My method:

ClientesDAO.prototype.getEstados = function(res, res){
    var fb = this._firebase.database();
    var result = fb.ref().child('estados/').orderByChild('nome');
    result.once('value', function(snapshot){
  • 1

    Nodejs cannot access the DOM because it is server-side. You can render a .html and pass a property with the database data or create a REST API.

  • Exactly @michelmfreitas, Rafael is right. You will have to send the result somehow and receive on the front end. Are you using a template engine by any chance? It’s easier to help if you can detail how the page is doing and how this call is being made.

  • Exactly, you are correct, since nothing has been rendered yet. I am using EJS. However, even if I return the data with a snapshot.val() my controller receives an empty Undefined return. =/

  • You are getting an empty return because the Firebase reading happens asynchronously. This means that the moment you return the snapshot.val() it has not yet been initialized.

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