How does Date Picker and Time Picker work in android Studio?


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I am developing a consultation marking app and it seems to me that these two methods are very good. However, I wonder if when implementing the two methods in android studio, admin will be able to see the date and time the user has marked.

1 answer


Android provides some controls to choose a specific time or even date as ready-to-use dialog boxes. Each selector provides controls to select each part of the time (hour, minute, AM / PM) or date (month, day, year). Using these waste pickers helps ensure that users can choose a valid date or time, formatted correctly and adjusted to the user’s language.

In this way, the Datepicker allows you to select the date consisting of day, month and year in your interface and the Timepicker is the selection of a time consisting of time and minute.

Below is an image that illustrates how the following components are shown to the user, remembering that for each version of Android, can be shown in a way depending on the theme. Behold:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

See how it’s possible create a Datepicker and a Timepicher in the documentation itself.

However, I would like to know whether in implementing the two methods in the android studio, admin will be able to see the date and time the user scored.

If you send the dates correctly to your database, if it is a database, the admin see if you give him permission to see, but there goes your creativity, that in this case would no longer have anything to do with the DatePicker and the TimePicker.

  • Ack. Once again you help me

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