I’m starting on the Laravel Framework and I’m having some problems with the installation on Linux. I did the installation by Composer using the command php Composer.phar global require "Standard/installer", set in $PATH the path export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/. config/Composer/vendor/bin" and executed the command New blog Laravel that after running shows in the console the text "Crafting application... sh: 1: Poser: not found Application ready! Build Something Amazing." when running the command php Artisan serves it shows in the browser the error "Whoops, looks like Something Went Wrong."
After that I tried to create the project differently with the command php Composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist Laravel/blog, I started the server and it loaded in the browser without giving error.
How do I create a project using the 'New proj' command in a non-error way when creating the project and starting the server ?
**I’m using php 7.
I did the CP and it worked. Thank you.
– user2831852