How to create file on my PC, within an internal network, using PHP


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I am developing a software for the company I work with and a problem has arisen: I need to create a file inside my PC that is saved using any other computer from the internal network of the company. Before I had it to work on my machine. So he used the fopen() function to create the file and used the "/srv/http/program/" path to save. Now that I intend to put it on the internal network of the company I wanted to know how to save the file in the same folder, inside my computer, but using another pc on the network. I have tried using my machine ip and the rest of the way, but it does not work. Gives error 404 - Object not found.

  • Where will the PHP application run? On each of the machines alone?

  • Yes. In isolated machines.

  • Question: Why? It is not better to let your application run on your machine and other users just access it remotely?

  • It could be. How would be the best way to implement?

  • This. How is the application running? Apache?

  • That’s it. I’m using apache on a Linux Manjaro. But I have the option to also do it on a web host, but I prefer to use my computer as a server.

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