Change Guide selection(Tab) in Chrome


Viewed 91 times


I did some research, and I couldn’t find alternatives to the question. I was wondering if it’s possible at JavaScript or PHP change the selected tab in Chrome. For example there is a tool that performs extracts .csv periodically running links in new tabs that close automatically. 9 new guides open, I would like after the request to open Chrome to return to the first Guide.

I thought about simulating the pressing(9*) of the keys CTRL+Page UP but I didn’t find anything concrete to make it work.

Use some Chrome API to select the tab Tab[1].

If there are any suggestions I’ll be waiting!

  • Why do you need to use Chrome? The question is unclear, if you are using a plugin/extension in Chrome this may be possible, maybe create an extension for it (?). Now with only Javascript I believe it is impossible for a window 'to tell Chrome to become the other window active'.

  • The page contains a Dashboard developed for Chrome! I will do a search in extention I saw one named Tabs Revolver that did something similar.

  • Dashboard was created by you or is consuming an already created, wanting to automate the extractions of .csv? If it is the second I see no reason to use Chrome, you can use the webdriver or even CURL to download the data, without needing a browser.

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