Error in site map xml


Viewed 75 times


My site-map is giving the following error

XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity
Line Number 4, Column 1:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

I noticed that it has a space and does not start at line 'zero'

Here is the code that generates the sitemap:

header('Content-type: text/xml');
include 'pages/imagens.php';
$array = array(
        'loc' => '',
        'lastmod' => date('Y-m-d'),
        'changefreq' => 'weekly',
        'priority' => 1
    for($i =1; $i <= $imgSize; $i++)

        array_push($array, array('loc' => ''.$i .'.jpg','lastmod' => date('Y-m-d'),
        'changefreq' => 'never',
        'priority' => 0.5 ));

$objDom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
$objDom->encoding = 'UTF-8';
$objDom->formatOutput = true;
$objDom->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
$root_attr = $objDom->createAttribute("xmlns");
$root = $objDom->createElement("urlset");
$root_attr_text = $objDom->createTextNode("");

if (!empty($array)) {

    foreach($array as $row) {

        $url = $objDom->createElement("url");

        $loc = $objDom->createElement("loc");
        $lastmod = $objDom->createElement("lastmod");
        $changefreq = $objDom->createElement("changefreq");
        $priority = $objDom->createElement("priority");

        $url_text = $objDom->createTextNode($row["loc"]);

        $lastmod_text = $objDom->createTextNode($row["lastmod"]);

        $changefreq_text = $objDom->createTextNode($row["changefreq"]);

        $priority_text = $objDom->createTextNode($row["priority"]);

echo $objDom->saveXML();

Note, I’ve noticed that when you put inlude it creates blank spaces but I can’t remove those spaces.

1 answer


XML has four extra lines:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Remove them and the problem is solved, the <?xml ... must be the first thing, there can be no kind of space before it.

  • I know I have to remove but can’t remove I can’t find that space in php

  • 3

    @Amadeuantunes instead of posting the code in the direct post Pastebin in the question and use the correct tags, you only used the XML tag I assumed that the problem had nothing to do with PHP.... You already have a lot of time here on the site and I’m sure you know how things work. Please make it easy for those who will answer. Understand as a constructive criticism.

  • OK thanks all right I don’t know how I put when the code is too long

  • $root = $objDom->createelement("urlset");

  • What’s in your include? I changed the order of $root = $objDom->createElement("urlset"); and $root->appendChild($root_attr);, so it worked, you probably dragged the line and so the code got wrong... but still didn’t generate extra spaces and lines, the problem is for sure in your include.

  • Here is the whole code of include but I don’t think the problem comes from this

  • How stupid of me in the include file after php closed I had 4 lines :( Sorry

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