chained ifs, correct use


Viewed 143 times


I am creating a function that takes the values of a table that are in range, 1-49, 50-99, 100-199, ..., 300+, the code takes the value of an input and based on this value identifies the range and calculates the value of the product.

So far the code works well, taking the value of the input, what happens is that when the value of the input is in 1000 it executes the 3º if instead of the 5º, I believe it is some problem with the chained if, but I can not visualize. Will someone help me? (ps. pfv don’t cuss me because I wrote variables starting with capital letters)

        var Th1 = document.getElementById('th_1').innerHTML;
        var Th2 = document.getElementById('th_2').innerHTML;
        var Th3 = document.getElementById('th_3').innerHTML;
        var Th4 = document.getElementById('th_4').innerHTML;
        var Th5 = document.getElementById('th_5').innerHTML;

        var Vl1 = Th1.slice(0, Th1.indexOf("-"));
        var Vl2 = Th1.slice(Th1.indexOf("-") + 1);

        var Vl3 = Th2.slice(0, Th2.indexOf("-"));
        var Vl4 = Th2.slice(Th2.indexOf("-") + 1);

        var Vl5 = Th3.slice(0, Th3.indexOf("-"));
        var Vl6 = Th3.slice(Th3.indexOf("-") + 1);

        var Vl7 = Th4.slice(0, Th4.indexOf("-"));
        var Vl8 = Th4.slice(Th4.indexOf("-") + 1);

        var Vl9 = Th5.slice(0, Th5.indexOf("+"));
        var Vl10 = Th5.slice(Th5.indexOf("+") + 1);

        var q = Number(document.getElementById('pwrqto').value);
        var s = document.getElementById('xprice');

        //se o valor estiver no range 1
        if((q >= Vl1) && (q <= Vl2)){
            var cat =  document.getElementById('rs_0');
            var child = cat.childNodes[0].innerHTML;
            var cleanCp = child.slice(child.indexOf(";") + 1);

            s.innerHTML = 'R$ ' + Math.ceil(cleanCp.replace(",", ".") * q) + ',00';
        //se o valor estiver no range 2
        if((q >= Vl3) && (q <= Vl4)){
            var cat =  document.getElementById('rs_1');
            var child = cat.childNodes[0].innerHTML;
            var cleanCp = child.slice(child.indexOf(";") + 1);

            s.innerHTML = 'R$ ' + Math.ceil(cleanCp.replace(",", ".") * q) + ',00';
        //se o valor estiver no range 3
        if((q >= Vl5) && (q <= Vl6)){
            var cat =  document.getElementById('rs_2');
            var child = cat.childNodes[0].innerHTML;
            var cleanCp = child.slice(child.indexOf(";") + 1);

            s.innerHTML = 'R$ ' + Math.ceil(cleanCp.replace(",", ".") * q) + ',00';
        //se o valor estiver no range 4
        if((q >= Vl7) && (q <= Vl8)){
            var cat =  document.getElementById('rs_3');
            var child = cat.childNodes[0].innerHTML;
            var cleanCp = child.slice(child.indexOf(";") + 1);

            s.innerHTML = 'R$ ' + Math.ceil(cleanCp.replace(",", ".") * q) + ',00';
        //se o valor estiver no range 5
        if(q >= Vl9) {
            var cat =  document.getElementById('rs_4');
            var child = cat.childNodes[0].innerHTML;
            var cleanCp = child.slice(child.indexOf(";") + 1);

            s.innerHTML = 'R$ ' + Math.ceil(cleanCp.replace(",", ".") * q) + ',00';

Below the HTML Code

  <tr class="wc_quantity">
     <th id="th_1">1-49</th>
     <th id="th_2">50-99</th>
     <th id="th_3">100-199</th>
     <th id="th_4">200-299</th>
     <th id="th_5">300+</th>
  <tr class="wc_price">
     <td align="center" id="rs_0"><span class="amount">R$&nbsp;10,00</span></td>
     <td align="center" id="rs_1"><span class="amount">R$&nbsp;9,50</span></td>
     <td align="center" id="rs_2"><span class="amount">R$&nbsp;9,30</span></td>
     <td align="center" id="rs_3"><span class="amount">R$&nbsp;9,20</span></td>
     <td align="center" id="rs_4"><span class="amount">R$&nbsp;9,10</span></td>

  • I think a case would be more appropriate, but as javascript is not my thing.

  • I updated the code so that the variable that is a number (Number() function), without this variable type function was String, which caused errors in the conditional switch.

1 answer


This is more suitable, more readable and faster.

switch (q)
     //se o valor estiver no range 1
    case ((q >= Vl1) && (q <= Vl2)):

    //se o valor estiver no range 2
    case ((q >= Vl3) && (q <= Vl4)): 
    //se o valor estiver no range 3
    case ((q >= Vl5) && (q <= Vl6)):
    //se o valor estiver no range 4
    case ((q >= Vl7) && (q <= Vl8)):
    //se o valor estiver no range 5
  • In fact the switch solved the case, I thought the case values could be only possible values of the variable (q), so I used several if, Reginaldo thanks even!

  • Reginaldo, the answer is correct, but two points should be noted: 1) as it is a range the default is not necessary. For any value above VL9 the last rule applies. 2) Reading more about conditions on the switch, you should use (true) instead of (q) because swith looks for a boolean.

  • The default is assumed when none of the above conditions meets the condition. I assumed that most of the values are in the default condition and put here just to make the answer more comprehensive and didactic. I think that EF can change and put in this position the condition that occurs the most or if it is not the case replace it for good by another normal case.

  • @Reginaldorigo anyway Douglas is correct about the q in switch (q) have to be a value booleano, see:

  • Douglas. See these examples:

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