Firebase, Parse-Server or "in the nail"


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I have a school project and my team will use the mobile solution with a backend side, in the backend we have a problem, whether we will "do" and configure everything, which is to set up and create a database, create a Web Service, create something to facilitate communication with the database. Regardless of the option we will have to do the Android part also.

The scenario is:

-> School project

-> Short time (2-3 months)

-> We decided for a simple application, but the solution will have access to the user’s smartphone database;

-> As we have little time to do this, I was talking about whether it’s worth doing this the hard way. I know there are some frameworks that make it easier, but it’s not like Firebase or Back4app that you program the little backend.

The point is:

With these 3 options Firebase, Back4app and "Hard way", which is the best?

ENTEDAM: It’s not a question about what’s good or bad in any situation, I need something that fits better in that situation

  • I use Firebase and it is quite simple and has a very clear documentation. Not to mention that the firebase community is active and like to help... If someone on your team has experience creating db, web service, and connecting db to the Android app, it might be faster than getting them to learn Firebase.

  • Thanks man, I explained better I think this is easier to understand

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