Wamp php version 5.3 or less


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Guys, next, I found a system in PHP that does not use PDO interface to connect in the database, is mysql_connect() yet. Today I use the version of Wamp 2.4.9 and PHP 5.5.12. I would like to get an older version of PHP so I don’t need to exchange all connections with the database for PDO. Doing some research there are some extensions to use an older version of PHP, but none of them I could install or run in Wamp, does anyone have an earlier version of Wamp or any way to run a PHP with an older version? I believe it at least needs to be PHP 5.3.

I downloaded this link already: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wampserver/files/WampServer%202/Wampee%202.1/

But this mistake happens:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    Browse previous versions here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wampserver/files/WampServer%202/

  • So, I’ve already done this, more when I download this version: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wampserver/files/WampServer%202/Wampee%202.1/ gives an error when installing, see in the edited question the image You know what this is?

1 answer


this error happens when selecting a folder that is not the root of wamp installation. see if your installation folder has a name: "wamp" or "wamp64", etc.

Obs: if you are trying to install another version of wamp, you should install it in another folder, not c://wamp/ that already exists. Now if you want to install an addon, use this link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wampserver/files/WampServer%203/Wampserver%203.0.0/Addons/Php/ and choose the version you want, remembering that to install you should select the root folder of your wamp.

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