How to get the first 5 xml records?


Viewed 72 times


                        $xml = simplexml_load_file('') or die("erro carregar arquivo");

                        foreach ($xml->channel->item as $noticia) {
                            $noticia->pubDate = date('d/m/Y');

                            echo "
                                    <div class=\"timeline-badge\"><i class=\"fa fa-check\"></i>
                                    <div class=\"timeline-panel\">
                                        <div class=\"timeline-heading\">
                                            <p><small class=\"text-muted\"><i class=\"fa fa-clock-o\"></i> $noticia->pubDate</small>

                                        <div class=\"timeline-body\">
                                          <a href=\"$noticia->link\" target=\"_blank\">$noticia->title</a><br>
  • Put a counter on that foreach,.

  • Rodrigo Sartori, I think it was worth it!

1 answer


    $limite = 5;
    $xml = simplexml_load_file('') or die("erro carregar arquivo");
    $noticias = $xml->xpath(sprintf('/rss/channel/item[position() <= %d]', $limite));

    foreach ($noticias as $noticia) {
        $noticia->pubDate = date('d/m/Y');

        echo "
                <div class=\"timeline-badge\"><i class=\"fa fa-check\"></i>
                <div class=\"timeline-panel\">
                    <div class=\"timeline-heading\">
                        <p><small class=\"text-muted\"><i class=\"fa fa-clock-o\"></i> $noticia->pubDate</small>

                    <div class=\"timeline-body\">
                        <a href=\"$noticia->link\" target=\"_blank\">$noticia->title</a><br>

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