I am trying to print the full day of the week (Monday, Tuesday...) of a date returned from the database. However, it is always printing with a day less, for example, instead of printing Monday, it is printing Sunday, I wanted to know what I can put in the line below so that it disappears one day and, instead of displaying 'Sunday', display 'Monday' and so on.
The date is coming from the seat in YYYY-DD-MM format. Ex: 2017-03-07, in this case day 07/03 is a Tuesday, but for some reason, is being shown Monday at the time of printing the date.
echo JText::sprintf(JHTML::_('date', $item->data_inicio, JText::_("l, ")));
Could you add the question an example of date you’re trying?
– Marconi
What is this component you are using?
– Marcelo de Andrade
The company in which I work paid another company to develop the site in Joomla a few years ago and even today we are trying to fix some bugs, this is an example. It is an agenda component that has already been installed on the site.
– Leandro
How to make the date function format a date in English?
– rray
Try removing parameter '1' as argument from Jtext().
– klisóstom