Jboss Multiple context-root pointing even War


Viewed 89 times


good night.

Is it possible for me to configure several context-root Jboss pointing to the same War? If it’s not possible in jboss, is there any way I can do it?

Thank you

  • Take a look at this answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30875657/multiple-context-root-for-single-war-deployment-jboss-eap-6-1

  • Very good, but I could not configure for Jboss 6, only in 7. Thank you

2 answers



I think it is possible yes, I ended up finding this command in case you use jboss 7+

Pin your application via jboss-web.xml to context-root path1 and add rewrite Rule to standalone.xml as Shown:

<virtual-server name="default-host" enable-welcome-root="false">  
     <alias name="localhost"/> 
     <rewrite name="rule-1"  pattern="^/path1(.*)$" substitution="/path2/$1" flags="NC"/>
  • I did a POC with Jboss 7 and it worked the way I want, but I need it for Jboss 6 and it’s hard to find.

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