PHP - error handling


Viewed 108 times


I am building a system of sending images to my website. Performing tests, with large files, I come across the following warning:

POST Content-Length of 9489104 bytes Exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in

Why the file exceeded the limit size of the $_POST variable.

My question is how I can treat this error, with a message like "very large file", to the user, without this error appearing to him?

1 answer


You can pick it up by content lenght:


if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && empty($_POST) &&
     empty($_FILES) && $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > 0 )
  $displayMaxSize = ini_get('post_max_size');

  switch ( substr($displayMaxSize,-1) )
    case 'G':
      $displayMaxSize = $displayMaxSize * 1024;
    case 'M':
      $displayMaxSize = $displayMaxSize * 1024;
    case 'K':
       $displayMaxSize = $displayMaxSize * 1024;

  $error = 'Posted data is too large. '.
           ' bytes exceeds the maximum size of '.
           $displayMaxSize.' bytes.";


The cases are only used to convert Max size to bytes, the secret is in IF.

This answer and the other explanations are in link

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