Parse error: syntax error, Unexpected end of file


Viewed 429 times


I have an error running a PHP code

( ! ) Parse error: syntax error, Unexpected end of file in C: wamp64 www site successemail.php on line 35

The code is this

mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error());

if(isset($_POST['seunome']) && isset($_POST['suasenha']) && empty($_POST['seunome'] ==false) && empty($_POST['suasenha'] == false)){

  $seunome  = $_POST['seunome'];
  $suasenha = $_POST['suasenha'];

$sqli = "CREATE DATABASE" .$_POST['seunome'];

$geral = mysqli_query($sqli) or die("Errro ao criar");

  • Are you sure this is the code? It says line 35 in the error. If this is it, check where it closes the open key in the IF.

1 answer


Missing a key at the end of the code

mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error());

if(isset($_POST['seunome']) && isset($_POST['suasenha']) && empty($_POST['seunome'] ==false) && empty($_POST['suasenha'] == false)){

  $seunome  = $_POST['seunome'];
  $suasenha = $_POST['suasenha'];
} //Coloquei aqui, mas não sei se deveria ser mais abaixo

$sqli = "CREATE DATABASE" .$_POST['seunome'];    
$geral = mysqli_query($sqli) or die("Errro ao criar");   

  • that key I’ve tried from the same problem

  • Young man, the key. It’s in the code.

  • yes I put it before, gives the same problem.

  • Well, then you’re missing information on your question. It’s probably missing to close more keys. No more details no way to know.

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