Site in dynamic HTML


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I am a beginner developer and I make static websites in HTML/CSS. Now I’m with a project of a news site.

The site is already ready, but I need it to be dynamic, that is, the customer can insert new news on the pages and it is also necessary that the news that appear in the home "update", giving place to the newest.

I researched around and came to the conclusion that I would need to integrate this site with wordpress to generate an admin, right?

As I’m a beginner, I’m not sure what to do next. What I have to do/study to make this site dynamic and for the client to be able to exchange images/content both at home and on other pages?

  • "I researched around and came to the conclusion that I would need to integrate this site with wordpress to generate an admin, right?" No, no need to integrate this site with wordpress.

  • For your most advisable case, is to study a little wordpress, see a theme that the client will like, configure and offer to your client

  • Wordpress would be one of the frameworks you can use in the project. It is a CMS (CMS means "Content Management System"; or translating into English: "Content Management System".), it is easy to use, it is free. There will always be the learning curve, recommend learning the PHP language before to know how the core of Wordpress behaves or at least have a notion.

  • Studying programming, studying HTML and will not be overnight, so I stay at least decent in both areas were at least 2 years.

  • Hello Gabriela, all right? Welcome to the community! What you need to study is Back End, which is basically everything that happens before HTML appears to the user. Since I am a PHP developer, I suggest you start with it HERE: Wordpress, for example, is made in PHP.

  • @Marcelobonifazio WP is a framework worked for years, used worldwide, and you’ve navigated many sites that you probably didn’t even know were made on it. Try not to be so offensive, simply in your opinion.

  • A simple and objective answer, want to create dynamic content customizable by the page administrators? Use a relational or non-relational database, make permission to change the content using cookies or sessions, being sessions safer than cookies :) // Of course this requires studies on php, database and javascript, information security and etc

  • Opnião é opnião, each solution fits a need, I’m also not very fãn de wordpress, because I prefer to put my hand in the dough, but when I needed it fell well to my need in a moment, but well I think this is not the place to comment on this

  • Search for knowledge of PHP and Mysql. This will help you make your site fully dynamic. Login system, Content generator (to perform your posts), insert, change, remove. Basic knowledge, just past the limit is your imagination. Good luck because honestly it’s an incredible journey of knowledge in case you seek!

  • Hello everyone! Thank you for the quick answers!! The idea is to continue studying and trace a learning path now that I feel a little more confident with HTML/CSS. Thanks @Thiagosantos. So the next step is to study PHP and then integrate this site to wordpress, sure?

  • Gabriela, Wordpress does not imply knowing PHP, you can manage to implement a simple site with Wordpress without knowing PHP, following only examples and tutorials; but this is not indicated. The best thing would be to learn the language of the framework, whatever it is, will help you better understand how the framework works. Regarding the content of your question, I suggest you read on help center, has a lot of information on how Sopt works and especially the types of questions that are allowed in the community. And welcome :)

  • Study web-oriented programming, research on front-end and back-and, research not only the languages that make up each but the purpose of each. Search how the web works from the moment the user requests a page in the browser. But in general it is HTML/CSS/Javascript in front-end and back-end PHP/C#/Phyton and etc and SQL for server, see these are some suggestions of the most used that you will get more documentation... But the most important thing is to understand the process as stated at the beginning... Good Luck... And sharpen the will to read, very much....

  • When you have questions ask here, but remember to start with [tour] to understand how the site works...

  • 6

    Wordpress is a good option for those who know nothing about programming.

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2 answers


I am a beginner developer and I make static websites in HTML/CSS.

You then have experience with one aspect of the developer profile front-end - that handles the part of the application that is exposed to the end user.

I researched around and came to the conclusion that I would need to integrate this site with wordpress to generate an admin, right?

Not necessarily. There are several ways to implement a content/resource management module (CMS content management system). Yes, Wordpress is a framework that you can use, and it use PHP as a server-side language (back-end), another aspect of developing web solutions.

What I have to do/study to make this site dynamic and for the client to be able to exchange images/content both at home and on other pages?

As mentioned, you can use WP to provide the CMS aspect of the site.

However, if you have Javascript experience, one option is to use a JS-based framework that runs on the server via Nodejs. One of these frameworks is Keystonejs (

The advantage is that you won’t need to learn a new language - instead you’ll just tailor your current knowledge to server-side solution mechanics (server-side).

  • Just remembering that many clients and students use shared server, which you can not do much, as for example run Node command line, etc. Just remembering. If this framework only depends on AJAX requests to run beauty. If you ask for more than that...!

  • @Paulosérgioduff I confess that I only have personal experience in this case, but most hosts that provide Nodejs that I tried also give access to a limited shell, but that allows you to add packages like Express.


According to what you wrote, you are a student/front-end developer, and for this reason, some points are extremely important to advance before you get bored with customers or your own code.

HTML is not a programming language --> Therefore it does not process on the server (the such machine that hosts your site). Therefore, it is not possible to create dynamic websites (of the type you want) with html only.

HTML5 is a programming language --> Someone can raise this topic. I recommend that none of you deal with this topic here, but in the chat, because it is extensive and can distort the topic. In short, version 5 of HTML can generate this debate, but it still doesn’t serve to determine what you want. Stay away from this subject (on this topic).

Wordpress does not suit all cases -> There are customer profiles that require constant changes in the appearance of the platform. Many of these changes may not cover the budget that was combined (do not fall into the tale of the wordpress template 100% modifiable). This varies too much according to the purpose of each one. If this project you have taken, is in parts to extend the development experience (front-end), I see no problem in taking longer than the time you have planned, and fix this problem in your next project. If that’s not the case, just offer customer-ready templates, and explain that modifying them is more expensive and out of budget. Convince yourself that it is worth having your site on the air for reasonable price in a reasonable time, which is what Wordpress makes possible, because of its ease of installation. Before making the decision of Wordpress, gives questions on internet forums around.

Study PHP -> I’m not here to tell you to become a PHP developer. That’s not it! Is that PHP as many languages, has function to write and read on top of files. For a quick, low-cost design, you can create a basic news system and your customer will be happy. Study if this is the case before you go out installing wordpress. Not to mention that dynamic systems for web, will hardly escape from PHP. The fact of using Wordpress, you are already indirectly using PHP. Not to mention it is the ideal language for freelancers.

  • 5

    "Not to mention that dynamic web systems, will hardly escape from PHP" [Citation Needed]

  • 5

    "[...] is the ideal language for freelancers" [Citation Needed]

  • 4

    For a quick and low cost design, you can create a basic news system and your customer be happy in life Just for that too. I, as a PHP user for well over 15 years, have never seen anything serious and well done in PHP that could stand up to very basic professional market solutions. PHP is not robust, and has one of the worst communities I’ve ever seen in terms of people who don’t understand programming, but thinks they do.

  • 5

    Now, let it be clear that there are enough people who use PHP very well, just don’t invent to use for the various things that PHP does not solve. There are exceptions, of course. I just thought it was important to comment, because this talk of "hardly escaping from PHP" does not apply to more serious things, where there is a diversity of more appropriate solutions. In fact, for more homely things or blogs, these things, I recognize that PHP is very common, this is undeniable.

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