Log with historical debug (Intellitrace)


Viewed 150 times


I have a WPF application and am looking for the best way to solve untreated exceptions. Today, when an unexpected exception occurs, deal at the event Application.DispatcherUnhandledException. There, I record the Exception.StackTrace, so, when it comes time to solve, I can look at the methods that have been called, in most cases, find the line where the error occurs is not so complicated (but I want to improve this)

I’ve heard of (video - it plays error, Intellitrace file is saved in a folder, it opens in VS and can debug) about record historical debug data, of Intellitrace, which, theoretically, would help too much at the time of debugging and even solve errors that occur with users, but that I cannot reproduce in debug.

  • How can I collect information from Intellitrace in my application, not being in debug?
  • How can I read the collected data?
  • It is worth migrating from error logs with stack trace for Intellitrace?
  • What about the performance?
  • 1

    I’m not very familiar with Itellitrace, but I do know that for production there’s an information collector. This is what https://msdn.microsoft.com/pt-BR/library/hh398365.aspx

1 answer


The answers are very long, so I’ll put the links not to "pollute" the text:

  1. How can I collect Intellitrace information in my application, not being in debug?

    • Using the Intellitrace autonomous collector

The standalone Intellitrace collector allows you to collect Intellitrace diagnostic data for your applications on production servers or in other environments, without installing Visual Studio on the target computer and without changing the target system environment

Full answer: https://msdn.microsoft.com/pt-br/library/hh398365(v=vs.120). aspx

  1. How can I read the collected data?

    • You must open the . iTrace file in Visual Studio Ultimate

To debug with Intellitrace and go through the code, you must have the corresponding source and symbol files

Full answer: https://msdn.microsoft.com/pt-br/library/hh398365(v=vs.120). aspx

  1. It’s worth migrating from bug logs with stack trace to Intellitrace?

    • It depends on the result you get after configuring/viewing the Logs, and the impact on performance caused by Intellitrace
  2. What about the performance?

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