Mini Framework Mvc


Viewed 91 times


This is the mistake you are making when I call this method in my controller

Warning: end() expects Parameter 1 to be array, null Given in C: xampp htdocs php_mvc Libs System.php on line 55

Warning: array_pop() expects Parameter 1 to be array, null Given in C: xampp htdocs php_mvc Libs System.php on line 56

My class that configures Urls

class System
    private $Url;

    private $Explode;

    public $Controller;

    public $Action;

    public $Params;

    function __construct()

    //Recebe as Urls
    private function setUrl(){
        $_GET['url'] = $_GET['url'] ? $_GET['url']."/" : "Index/Index";
        $this->Url = $_GET['url'];

    //Transforma a url em Arrays
    private function setExplode(){
        $this->Explode = explode("/", $this->Url);

    //Seleciona o Controller
    private function setController(){
        $this->Controller = $this->Explode[0];

    //Seleciona a Action
    private function setAction(){
        $action = ($this->Explode[1] || $this->Explode[1] == null || $this->Explode[1] == "Index"  ? "Index": $this->Explode[1]);
        $this->Action = $action;

    public function setParams() {

         if (end($this->Explode) == null )

         $i = 0;
         if (!empty($this->Explode)) {
             foreach ($this->Explode as $val) {
                if($i % 2 == 0) {  // %= indice de 2
                    $ind[] = $val;
                } else {
                    $value[] = $val;
         } else {
             $ind = array();
             $value = array();

         if(count($ind) == count($value) && !empty($ind) && !empty($value))
             $this->Params = array_combine ($ind, $value);
             $this->Params = array();

    public function getParams($name = null) {
        if($name != null){
            return $this->Params[$name];
            return $this->Params;

    //Inicia as Urls
    public function run(){
        $controller_path = CONTROLLERS.$this->Controller.".php";

        if (!file_exists($controller_path)) {
            die("Houve um erro o $controller não existe");
            $controller = new $this->Controller();


        if (!method_exists($controller, $this->Action)) {
            die("Houve um erro a {$this->Action} não existe");
            $action = $this->Action;

And My Controller

class Controller extends System{

    function __construct()


    /*Função que ira verificar o nome da View e retornará ela ao
    seu Controller*/
    protected function View($View)  {

        return require('View/'.$View.'.php');

My Index Controller

class Index extends Controller
    function __construct()


    public function Index(){

        echo $this->getParams("nome");
  • 1

    end() expects parameter 1 to be array, your $this->Explode does not appear to be an array. It is testing in home?

  • At the beginning of the function setParams() puts print_r($this->Url); and print_r($this->Explode); before the UNSET and shows us what’s coming back.

  • This returned in the $this->Url Index/Index/name/Jose/ while in the $this->Explode Array ( [0] => Index [1] => Index [2] => name [3] => Jose [4] => )

  • Where else do you use that: $this->_explode[1]? And what is your goal with this IF: if (end($this->Explode) == null )

  • The $this->Explode[1] is the controller, $this->Explode[2] to action and it is from the IF that is to be treated the parameters that will be sent to action

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