I wonder how I can work in a simple way with this dynamic form , type the categories comes from the database via jquery and ajax and appears on the screen as a form for the user to select your request . As you can see in my code only the table input has name"" the others not because they appear dynamically . But my doubt over the course of the week was that I could not show or even send to mysql what is requested by the user. How could by the same show on another screen what is selects in the form .
My form
<div class="container">
<h1 class="restaurant-title">Peixaria</h1>
<div id="menu-panel" class="col-sm-12 paddingselect">
<div id="menu-panel-2">
<div id="caja-panel">
<div class="well">
<form method="post" action="relatorio.php" id="formRel">
<!-- left -->
<div id="theproducts" class="col-sm-5">
<!-- left -->
<input type="text" name="mesa"value="">
<input type="text" id="theinputsum">
<!-- right -->
<div id="thetotal" class="col-sm-7">
<h1 id="total"></h1>
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-success btn-block"><i type="submit" class="fa fa-shopping-cart" aria-hidden="true"></i> Finalizar Pedido</button>
<!-- right -->
<!-- container -->
var formDados = new FormData($(this)[0]);
method: "POST",
url: "relatorio.php",
data: $("#formRel").serialize(),
dataType : "html"
<!-- jQuery (necessary for Bootstrap's JavaScript plugins) -->
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- Include all compiled plugins (below), or include individual files as needed -->
<script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<!-- Restaurant -->
<script src="js/restaurant.js"></script>
this is the part that brings the categories of mysql to the screen .
require_once 'conexion.class.php';
function categoriaas(){
$conexion = Conexion::singleton_conexion();
$SQL = 'SELECT * FROM categorias';
$stn = $conexion -> prepare($SQL);
$stn -> execute();
$results = $stn -> fetchAll();
if (empty($SQL)){
foreach ($results as $key){
echo '
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4">
<button data-categoria="'.$key['id'].'" class="restaurantcatbtn btn btn-default btn-lg btn-block"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> '.$key['nombre'].'</button>
function getproductos($productos){
$conexion = Conexion::singleton_conexion();
$SQL = 'SELECT * FROM productos WHERE categoria = :categoria';
$stn = $conexion -> prepare($SQL);
$stn -> bindParam(':categoria', $productos, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stn -> execute();
$results = $stn -> fetchAll();
if (empty($SQL)){
foreach ($results as $key){
echo '
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4">
<button id="theproductitem'.$key['id'].'" data-nombre="'.$key['nombre'].'" data-precio="'.$key['precio'].'" class="btn btn-default btn-lg btn-block" onclick="agregarcaja('.$key['id'].')"><i class="fa fa-cutlery" aria-hidden="true"></i> '.$key['nombre'].' <p>($'.$key['precio'].')</p></button>
the javascript code
$('.restaurantcatbtn').on('click', function(){
var attrcat = $(this).attr('data-categoria');
var datacat = 'categoria='+attrcat;
type: 'POST',
url: 'includes/processfunction.php',
data: datacat,
beforeSend: function(){
$('#menu-panel-2').append('<div class="cssload-thecube"><div class="cssload-cube cssload-c1"></div><div class="cssload-cube cssload-c2"></div><div class="cssload-cube cssload-c4"></div><div class="cssload-cube cssload-c3"></div></div>');
success: function(data){
error: function(){
function agregarcaja(producto){
var addproducto = $('#theproductitem'+producto).attr('data-nombre');
var dataprocutstock = $('#theproductitem'+producto).attr('data-stock');
var dataprocutprecio = $('#theproductitem'+producto).attr('data-precio');
var addproductodiv = $('#cajaitem'+producto);
var theinputsum = $('#theinputsum');
if ($(addproductodiv).length)
if (theinputsum.val() == ''){
$('#total').text('Total a pagar: $'+dataprocutprecio);
var lastthevalue = theinputsum.val();
var thenextvalue = parseFloat(lastthevalue) + parseFloat(dataprocutprecio);
$('#total').text('Total a pagar: $'+thenextvalue);
$('#theproducts').append('<span id="cajaitem'+producto+'" data-precio="'+dataprocutprecio+'" data-cantidad="1" class="btn btn-block btn-sm">'+addproducto+' [$'+dataprocutprecio+'] <p id="thepitemcantidad'+producto+'" class="pull-right cantidad-item-p">1</p> <button style="margin-left:4px;" onclick="cantidadProductoPlus('+producto+')" class="btn btn-xs btn-success pull-right"><i class="fa fa-plus-square" aria-hidden="true"></i></button> <button class="btn btn-xs btn-danger pull-right"><i class="fa fa-minus-square" onclick="cantidadProductoMinus('+producto+')" aria-hidden="true"></i></button> </span>');
function cantidadProductoMinus(producto){
var cantidad = $('#cajaiteminput'+producto).val();
var precio = $('#cajaitem'+producto).attr('data-precio');
var cantidaditem = $('#cajaitem'+producto).attr('data-cantidad');
var theinputsum = $('#theinputsum').val();
var theinputsumelement = $('#theinputsum');
if (cantidaditem == 1){
var thedeleteitem = parseFloat(theinputsum) - parseFloat(precio);
if (thedeleteitem == 0){
$('#total').text('Total a pagar: $'+thedeleteitem);
var thefinalcantidad = parseInt(cantidaditem) - 1;
var thedeleteitem = parseFloat(theinputsum) - parseFloat(precio);
$('#cajaitem'+producto).attr('data-cantidad', thefinalcantidad);
var minusprice = parseFloat(theinputsum) - parseFloat(precio);
$('#total').text('Total a pagar: $'+minusprice);
function cantidadProductoPlus(producto){
var cantidaditem = $('#cajaitem'+producto).attr('data-cantidad');
var precio = $('#cajaitem'+producto).attr('data-precio');
var theinputsum = $('#theinputsum').val();
var sumprice = parseFloat(theinputsum) + parseFloat(precio);
var thefinalcantidad = parseInt(cantidaditem) + 1;
$('#cajaitem'+producto).attr('data-cantidad', thefinalcantidad);
$('#total').text('Total a pagar: $'+sumprice);
an image to illustrate my table .
It is good to clarify that coming or not dynamically, does not imply in having or not properties, if you need just change the functions categoriaas and products.
– Rodrigo Jarouche
The key to your problem is a javascript aggregation function, which you have not posted.
– Rodrigo Jarouche
already put the javascript code @Rodrigosartorijarouche
– allan araujo