Automatically adjust graph


Viewed 25 times


I implemented two charts on my website.

When I see the final result everything seems perfect, the problem and when I do the display by my phone, only part of the graph appears and not the total.

I tried to change the settings to 100% height and width but when viewing the chart appears with sidebars to view the rest.

How can I fix this?

<iframe frameborder="0" width="1150px" height="320px" src=" de Lisboa&city=Lisboa&dias=3&longitude=-9.139&latitude=38.722&hidemenu=1"></iframe>
  • 1

    You set the width of your iframe to 1150, it will always cut in mobile like this. Why not arrow the iframe "parent" element with 100% width and it also?

  • By changing Wight and height to 100% it automatically creates sidebars to view the rest of the chart.

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