How to manipulate part of the href attribute of a link using Javascript in Wordpress?


Viewed 655 times


It is possible to manipulate only a part of the URL using DOM or something like?

I would like to remove '#' in the middle of the url, in the href attribute.

The code will be added in a Wordpress theme and must be activated when loading the page.

As it is currently:

<div class="rodape">
   <a class="azul" href=""
   <a class="azul" href=""

Final result (no # on link):

<div class="rodape">
   <a class="azul" href=""
   <a class="azul" href=""
  • Do you want to remove only '#'? or it and everything that comes after it? This is when opening the page or after performing some specific action?

  • Where does this HTML come from? You can manipulate on the server?

  • I want to remove only # when opening the page. It is a Wordpress theme hosted on own server.

3 answers


Yes, you can do this by capturing the value of the attribute href and manipulating him.

Functional example

document.getElementById('bt-remover-hashs').addEventListener('click', removerHashtags);

function removerHashtags(){
  var links = document.getElementById('rodape').getElementsByTagName('a');

  for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++){  
    links[i].href = links[i].href.replace('#', '');  
<div class="rodape" id="rodape">
   <a class="azul" href=""
   <a class="azul" href=""

<button id="bt-remover-hashs">Remover #</button>


If use jquery follows the code:

newlink = $(".azul").attr("href").replace("#","");


A different way:

document.querySelectorAll('.rodape a').forEach(function(el) {
  el.setAttribute('href', el.getAttribute('href').replace('#', ''));
<div class="rodape">
   <a class="azul" href=""
   <a class="azul" href=""

I use the selector .rodape a to catch all the Anchor inside the div with the rodape class, and make a loop with the elements, then shoot the # with the function replace and update the attribute href with the formatted link.

  • Juniornunes, I tested and saw that worked in a common page, but when I add in Wordpress does not work, you know what can be? I tested directly in the code and later in plugins that insert js in the theme and nothing.

  • @Greek tries to put the code inside: window.onload = Function() { // code here }

  • It worked out, thank you very much! Saved a life, hahaha.

  • @Greek if the answer worked mark it as solution on the left side for other people to be helped!

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