How to modify zxing default screen


Viewed 241 times


Good night,

I integrated zxing to my app using this tutorial:

It worked, but for it to work asked me to install the zxing app and when I select the scan button, I am redirected to the app.

I wonder if there is a way to integrate this functionality into my app, without having to install another app (I think this might be a bit uncomfortable for the user). Another alternative to my problem would be to at least add some buttons on the screen

Tela padrão Zxing

This photo is the default canvas of zxing and wanted to add two buttons and change orientation.

If anyone has ever messed with this library I ask you to help me, I even found some integration tutorials but I found it very complex and I do not know if it will bring the result I want at the end.

Thank you in advance!

1 answer


You can use the Barcode API of Mobile Vision which is from Google itself. If you feel bothered that people will feel uncomfortable, you can take a closer look at the documentation and make the implementation of your application direct. And yes, maybe it’s a little complex because it’s "image treatment", but you have a greater control for customization.

To start a project, see more details in the documentation.

  • I’ll take a look, thanks!

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