Good afternoon
I’ve been trying to fix this for two days without success and I’d like your personal help :)
The tables are as follows::
Chaves` (
idChaves int(10) AUTO_INCREMENT,
nomeChave varchar,
estadoChave int(1) ,
situacao varchar(10) ,
PRIMARY KEY (`idChaves`)
TABLE `Vigilantes` (
`idVigilantes` int AUTO_INCREMENT,
`PORVigilante` int ,
`nomeVigilantes` varchar,
PRIMARY KEY (`idVigilantes`)
CREATE TABLE `Colaboradores` (
`idColaboradores` intAUTO_INCREMENT,
`nomeColaboradores` varchar,
`apelido` varchar,
PRIMARY KEY (`idColaboradores`)
TABLE `Locacoes` (
`idLocacoes` intAUTO_INCREMENT,
`horaSaida` timestamp ,
`horaEntrada` timestamp ,
`Vigilantes_idVigilantes` int,
`Colaboradores_idColaboradores` int,
`Chaves_idChaves` intL,
PRIMARY KEY (`idLocacoes`),
KEY `fk_Locacoes_Vigilantes1_idx` (`Vigilantes_idVigilantes`),
KEY `fk_Locacoes_Colaboradores1_idx` (`Colaboradores_idColaboradores`),
KEY `fk_Locacoes_Chaves1_idx` (`Chaves_idChaves`),
CONSTRAINT `fk_Locacoes_Chaves1` FOREIGN KEY (`Chaves_idChaves`) REFERENCES `Chaves` (`idChaves`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
CONSTRAINT `fk_Locacoes_Colaboradores1` FOREIGN KEY (`Colaboradores_idColaboradores`) REFERENCES `Colaboradores` (`idColaboradores`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
CONSTRAINT `fk_Locacoes_Vigilantes1` FOREIGN KEY (`Vigilantes_idVigilantes`) REFERENCES `Vigilantes` (`idVigilantes`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
Summarizing for the Collaborator request a Key at the Vigilant use the table Locations that leads to the Vigilantes_idvigilantes, Collaborator_idcollaborators and the Keys_idchaves.
So far so good, but when I search via PHP with the following code:
$rs = $connection->prepare("SELECT * from Locacoes INNER JOIN Colaboradores INNER JOIN Vigilantes INNER JOIN Chaves WHERE DAY(horaSaida) = DAY(now()) GROUP BY idLocacoes");
while($registro = $rs->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ))
echo "<TR>";
echo "<TD>" . $registro->idLocacoes . "</TD>";
echo "<TD>" . $registro->horaSaida." </TD>";
echo "<TD>" . $registro->horaEntrada . "</TD>";
echo "<TD>" . $registro->Colaboradores_idColaboradores.
echo "<TD>" . $registro->Vigilantes_idVigilantes . "</TD>";
echo "<TD>" . $registro->Chaves_idChaves . "</TD>";
echo "<TD>" . $registro->nomeVigilante."</TD>";
echo "<TD>" . $registro->nomeChave."</TD>";
echo "<TD>" .$registro->nomeColaboradores."</TD>";
The results of Locations I get perfectly but the nameVigilante, nameChave and nameColaboradores come all repeated must be because the function (PDO::FETCH_OBJ) returns me only the first name of the column.
I have this provisionally at the following address
If you have another solution I’d also like to hear.
Thank you very much in advance.
There is another key name and registered collector, which should appear?
– mau humor