How to Catch Results inside the loop and grouping into a variable outside it


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How to Catch Results inside the loop and grouping into a variable outside it Example:

$sql55 = "SELECT * FROM finan WHERE MONTH(data_fechamento)= '02' ";
$resultado55 = mysql_query($sql55) or die( mysql_error());
while ($row55 = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultado55)) {
echo '<br>';
echo $vencimento2 =  $row55['vencimento'];
//  retorno echo  2017-02-02

// queria pegar esse mesmo daros em uma variaval fora do while
echo $juntandoresultados; // exmplo


2 answers


$sql55 = "SELECT * FROM finan WHERE MONTH(data_fechamento)= '02' ";
$resultado55 = mysql_query($sql55) or die( mysql_error());
while ($row55 = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultado55)) {

$juntandoresultados .= "<br>".$row55['vencimento'];

echo $juntandoresultados;
  • For your answer to be perfect is only missing put $joining results=""; before the while. 'Cause the way it is, spending the first time in the while will make an error that the variable $joining results does not exist.

  • 1

    beauty, I’ve already put

  • Mark the answer as chosen :)


Saving inside an array would help?

$dados = array();

$sql55 = "SELECT * FROM finan WHERE MONTH(data_fechamento)= '02' ";
$resultado55 = mysql_query($sql55) or die( mysql_error());
while ($row55 = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultado55)) {


----------------------or so ------

$dados = "";

$sql55 = "SELECT * FROM finan WHERE MONTH(data_fechamento)= '02' ";
$resultado55 = mysql_query($sql55) or die( mysql_error());
while ($row55 = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultado55)) {
  $dados .= $row55['vencimento']." ";

echo $dados ;
  • I believe your second option solves the problem the way he wants. Only instead of spacing at the end it’s concatenating with <br> in front.

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