I’m using this code:
document.body.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', function () {
document.title = 'Editar Material *';
formChanged = true;
}, false);
To check for any changes in the various forms and possible images to edit. The problem I found was the following: just a click on a :input
to trigger the event.
It is possible to skip the simple click on the :input
without any change? I know there are more correct ways to check for changes in the forms, but I need to use something like this.
Can you give more details or create an executable mini example? What you’re doing is an "Edit in place"?
– Antonio Alexandre
What do you mean "Edit in place"? There’s too much code for me to put here, it’s a thousand lines of javascript in an Razor view.
– ihavenokia
Jeditable: http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable/default.html The 8 best plugins Edit In Place de Jquery: http://www.gaomeweb.com/8-best-edit-in-place-jquery-plugin/
– Antonio Alexandre
I’m not wearing any of that. I am using Razor to create the inputs and that, then the data is loaded through several ajax calls, because I load data from several tables. I wanted to make my code a little better, but if the user does not click on any field it has the effect they wanted. (the code that was already implemented showed the warning ALWAYS)
– ihavenokia