Sort products interchange according to flag


Viewed 90 times


I have a model called Product which has, in addition to product data, a flag featured that says whether the products are featured or not. When mounting the view the products should be displayed according to the following HTML structure:

As the product can be seen with the flag featured has a larger grid. I’ve tried several ways and I can’t find a logic for this, because I couldn’t find a way to order Collection so that it gets 1 featured product followed by 4 other products without prominence, so on.

Someone has some light?

  • You are using Lade in the views?

  • You can bring two arrays, one with the featured products and the other with the normal products, it is easy to do this with the eloquent, would save you a little using javascipt

  • @Felipepaetzold I am using yes Lade, I thought to make two queries, one for featured products and another for others. I would define two columns and always put the highlights on the right, but now I saw that I will need to insert the highlight product position also:

1 answer


Now, my advice is to bring two sets of results from the database, remember that you can sort them when you go to the database, ex: ...->orderBy('preco', 'DESC');

$feat = Product::where('feature', 1)->get(); // array com os produtos featured
$no_feat = Product::where('feature', 0)->get(); // array com os produtos não featured

Then following the logic below, you do:

$feat = ['featured', 'featured', 'featured']; // produtos featured
$no_feat = ['brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh','brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh']; // produtos não featured
$all = [];
$all_len = count($feat) + count($no_feat);
for($i = 0; $i < $all_len; $i++) {
    if($i%5 == 0 && count($feat) > 0) {
        $all[] = array_shift($feat);
    if(count($no_feat) > 0) {
        $all[] = array_shift($no_feat);
    else {
        $all[] = array_shift($feat);

echo '<pre>', print_r($all), '</pre>';


    [0] => featured
    [1] => brrh
    [2] => brrh
    [3] => brrh
    [4] => brrh
    [5] => featured
    [6] => brrh
    [7] => brrh
    [8] => brrh
    [9] => brrh
    [10] => featured
    [11] => brrh
    [12] => brrh
    [13] => brrh
    [14] => brrh
    [15] => brrh
    [16] => brrh
    [17] => brrh
    [18] => brrh

At the end of this the arrays of the products declared at the beginning, $feat and $no_feat will be empty:


But seeing your jsfiddle:

  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-6 featured"></div>
    <div class="col-xs-6">
      <div class="col-xs-6 box"></div>
      <div class="col-xs-6 box green"></div>
      <div class="col-xs-6 box red"></div>
      <div class="col-xs-6 box blue"></div>

I imagine an array in this format will suit you better:

$feat = ['featured', 'featured', 'featured'];
$no_feat = ['brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh','brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh', 'brrh'];
$all = [];
$h = 0;
$all_len = count($feat) + count($no_feat);
for($i = 0; $i < $all_len; $i++) {
    if($i%5 == 0 && count($feat) > 0) {
        $all[] = array_shift($feat);
    if(count($no_feat) > 0) {
        $all['no_feat' .$h][] = array_shift($no_feat);
    else {
        $all[] = array_shift($feat);
echo '<pre>', print_r($all), '</pre>';


    [0] => featured
    [no_feat1] => Array
            [0] => brrh
            [1] => brrh
            [2] => brrh
            [3] => brrh

    [1] => featured
    [no_feat2] => Array
            [0] => brrh
            [1] => brrh
            [2] => brrh
            [3] => brrh

    [2] => featured
    [no_feat3] => Array
            [0] => brrh
            [1] => brrh
            [2] => brrh
            [3] => brrh



Then on the Slide you could do:

@foreach($all as $prod)
        <div class="col-xs-6 featured"></div>;
        <?php continue; ?>
    <div class="col-xs-6">;
    @foreach($prod as $no_feat_prod)
        <div class="col-xs-6 box no-featured"></div>

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