Class Tdbtext not found


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Good morning, my friends. I am having problems with a program, because every time I start one of the options, it returns me an error of "Class Tdbtext not found', and the package that contains this class is declared in the uses of the program. Would you like to know what I could do about it? I am using Delphi 6 in this program.

declared uses

erro no programa

  • From when did this error start happening? Did you have any changes that triggered the same? Does it work on some other screen?

  • The error happens on a specific system screen, whenever I ask to open a specific screen, it generates this error and even opens the screen. And I don’t remember making any abnormal changes to the system to generate that.

  • Is there a code on onCreate, onPaint or onShow form? If yes, which? Is there any code in the Initialization form? And last but not least, since you are working with components Dataware, the dataset is already open when opening the form or is opened after opening?

  • Good morning, my friend! I managed to solve the problem, at some point I was moving the form of the program screen, I added an undefined component without paying attention, it implied the above error. After removing this component the program ran without error problems! Thank you so much for trying to help :D

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