Syntax error - URL return


Viewed 40 times


Hello, everybody

I am with a new problem, I am a few hours trying to identify the syntax error below:




@$usuario = $_SESSION["usuario"];
@$senha = $_SESSION["senha"];

if(isset($usuario) && isset($senha)){

    header("Location: cp_admin.php");


        <div id="login">



                $url = $_GET["url"];



            <form action="acoes/user-login.php?url=<?php echo $url; ?>" method="POST"> 

            <?php } else { ?>
                <form action="acoes/user-login.php" method="POST"> 
            <?php } ?>    

                Usúario <input type="text" name="user-name" id="user-name" placeholder="USÚARIO" /> 
                Senha <input type="password" name="user-pass" id="user-pass" placeholder="SENHA" />
                <input type="submit" name="user-login" id="user-login" value="Entrar" />

        <div class="content-logo-2"><img src="../img/android-icon-36x36.png"></div>
        <div id="content-logo"> <!--<img src="../img/logo_180.png"> --></div>

The problem is that when I try to access the page to check if the code is working (I know it is not), it returns me the following error:

"Parse error: syntax error, Unexpected '}' in C: Program Files (x86) Easyphp-Devserver-16.1 eds-www Portal_noticias painel index.php on line 74"

row 74 has the following codes:

I wonder what mistake I’m making

I stand by

  • The lines that are in trouble are these: <? php } Else { ? > <form action="acoes/user-login.php" method="POST"> <?php } ?>

1 answer


the code:

    $url = $_GET["url"];

Try removing the last brackets }, is where the error lies :)

  • Faced with such a simple stop, sometimes it is good to stop and do another day: It looks like this: <?php} Else <form action="acoes/user-login.php" method="POST"> ? > Worked perfectly. Really worth it!

  • @Cíceroalves If you have helped and solved your problem mark my answer as correct, thank you.

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