How do prepare dynamic and generic with mysqli?


Viewed 296 times


I have a mobile application that sends me the following parameters

$tabela    = $_POST[“tabela”];    // ex: “pessoa”
$atributos = $_POST[“atributos”]; // ex: “codigo, nome, cpf”
$valores   = $_POST[“valores”];   // ex: “10, Rafael, 1234567890”
$argumento = $_POST[“argumento”]; // ex: “iss”
$tamanho   = $_POST[“tamanho”];   // ex: “?, ?, ?”

After receiving the parameters, I make the prepare. This prepare will be generic. My question is on how I catch the $valores and save in new variables to be inserted in the $codigo, $nome, $cpf?

Remembering that this function is dynamic, time can receive a person, once a payment with more or less attributes and so on.

I thought about creating variables at runtime but I don’t know if that’s possible.

$stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO $tabela ($atributos) VALUES ($tamanho)");
$stmt->bind_param($argumento, $codigo, $nome, $cpf);
  • How about using a cycle to pick them all up until they’re done? Or this bind_param is not as it should be and should receive an array of values instead of the values themselves separately.

  • Can you show an example with array? So just make a explode in the $values variable

  • I just understood your question now, I’ll give you an answer.

  • I thought the idea was cool until I saw the table name and the names of the columns passed by POST. I believe that for these 2 it is better to use a string in the code itself rather than go through POST. The size can be dynamically identified by the number of column name posts sent.

  • @rray are variable arrays, this does not serve.

  • @Jorgeb. if I understand correctly just unpack (php5.6) $valores in $stmt->bind_param() otherwise only your answer will solve even.

  • @rray and that’s it, but he says $valores may be something other than the example. I also only noticed after Rafael’s comment.

  • Test my answer with your table. Any questions ask. Note that the generic_PDO_insert($connects,$table,$columns,$post) function can be used in any script, with an require, left together just to simplify. You can pass $table and $columns for $_POST and clear before moving to the function if you wish, but it is safer to set table name and column array in the script and take only form values.

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3 answers


What you want to do is a bind_param with variable arguments, you can create a reference array and use callback call_user_func_array to associate the bind function to the parameter array:

public function my_bind_param( $stmt, $argumento, $array_valores ) 
    $params = array_merge($argumento, $array_valores);

    return call_user_func_array( array( $stmt, 'bind_param' ), 
                                 referenciar( $params ));

private function referenciar( $array )
        $ref = array();

        foreach( $array as $key => $value )
            $ref[$key] = &$array[$key];

        return $ref;


Well, it seems kind of strange to answer your own question, but it’s just that everyone who responded helped me to put together this script and come up with a result that I found satisfactory.

Below is just the parts referring to the question I performed, and this web-server I am developing contains more functionalities.

I don’t have much experience with security yet, but from what I’ve researched, it sounds like a good solution. Anyone who thinks otherwise, please express yourself because it will help me a lot.

follows the code:


include_once 'Funcoes.php';
include_once 'Config.php';
include_once 'MinhasTabelas.php';

class Util {

private $con;
private $tabela;
private $funcoes;

 * Recebe a tabela que sera manipilada
 * O costrutor cria uma instancia da classe Funcao que contem funcoes uteis.
 * Depois elecria uma nova conexao mysqli e salva no atributo $con.
 * @param type $tabela : "usuario" : Nome da tabela que sera manipulada.
public function __construct($tabela) {
    // Verifica se a tabela existe no banco de dados. se sim, segue o codigo ou para o programa.
    if ((new Tabelas ())->isExist($tabela)) {
        $this->tabela = $tabela;
        $this->funcoes = new Funcao();

        // Cria uma conexão;
        $this->con = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
        // Verifica conexão
        if ($this->con->connect_error) {
            $flag['flag'] = 'CONN_FAILED';
            die (json_encode($flag));
        $flag['flag'] = 'INVALID_TABLE';

 * Insere um registro no banco de dados.
 * @param type $atributos   = "nome, idade, sexo"
 * @param type $valores     = "rafael, 21, M"
 * @param type $argumentos  = "sis" 
 * @return int = json formated
public function create($atributos, $valores, $argumentos) {
    $qtdValores = $this->funcoes->getInterrogacoes($atributos);

    $valores = explode(",", $valores);

    $sql = "INSERT INTO $this->tabela ($atributos) VALUES ($qtdValores)";
    if ($stmt = $this->con->prepare($sql)) {
        $stmt->bind_param($argumentos, ...$valores);

        if ($stmt->affected_rows >= 1) {
            $json['flag'] = $stmt->insert_id;
        } else {
            $json['flag'] = 0;
    } else {
        $json['flag'] = 0;


    return $json;


class Tabelas {

private $tabs;

public function __construct() {
    // Em $tabs devera conter todas as tabelas que serão manipiuladas pelo sistema.
    // Elas devem ser separadas por ", " (virgula e um espaço);
    $tabs = "adm, usuario";
    $this->tabs = explode(", ", $tabs);

 * Verifica se a tabela passada por parametro existe no banco de dados.
 * @param type $tabela = "usuario" : Nome da tabela que será verificada a existencia
 * @return boolean : retorna um true ou false
public function isExist($tabela) {
    foreach ($this->tabs as &$val) {
        if ($val === $tabela) {
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;


class Funcao {

 * Esse metodo tem a função de trazer as quantidades de variaveis que serão manipuladas
 * @param type $param = "nome, sexo"    : Recebe os parametros que serão manipilados
 * @return type = "?, ?"                : retorna uma String com as ? para mysqli->prepare.
function getInterrogacoes($param) {
    $qtdValores = explode(",", $param);
    foreach ($qtdValores as &$value) {
        $value = "? ";
    $qtdValores = implode(",", $qtdValores);
    return $qtdValores;



I have now created a generic insertion function using PDO.

To test, I created a table with two fields:

    `nome` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , 
    `email` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , 
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Html form:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Teste Insert PDO Genérico</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">


<form action="pdo_generico.php" method="post">

    Nome: <input type="text" name="nome"><br>
    E-mail: <input type="mail" name="email"><br>
    <input type="submit" value="Enviar">




$dsn = 'mysql:dbname=testdb;host=';
$user = 'root';
$password = '';

$tabela = "teste";

                            // Os tipos podem ser:  
                            // bool,  int, str, file, outros(será tratado como str) 
$colunas = array(
                 'nome'  => 'str',
                 'email' => 'str',

    $pdo_connection = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
} catch(PDOException $e) 
    echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage();

$retorno_do_insert =  generic_PDO_insert($pdo_connection, $tabela, $colunas, $_POST);

    echo 'Dados inseridos com sucesso.';
    echo 'Erro.';

// =============================================

function generic_PDO_insert($conecta,$tabela,$colunas,$post)

    $pdo_tipos = array(
                        'bool'  => PDO::PARAM_BOOL, 
                        'int'   => PDO::PARAM_INT,
                        'str'   => PDO::PARAM_STR, 
                        'file'  => PDO::PARAM_LOB,
                        'outros'=> PDO::PARAM_STR

    // Remove os campos que não forem enviados por POST para não criar placeholders para eles
    $colunas_existentes = array();
    $colunas_arr_key = array();
    foreach($colunas as $coluna => $tipo)
    $colunas = $colunas_existentes;


    $colunas_str = implode(",",$colunas_arr_key);
    $placeholders_str = ':'.implode(",:",$colunas_arr_key); 

    $sql= "INSERT INTO $tabela($colunas_str) VALUES($placeholders_str)";
    // echo $sql;

        $query= $conecta->prepare($sql);

        foreach ($colunas as $coluna => $tipo) 
            $query->bindValue(":$coluna", $post[$coluna], $pdo_tipos[$tipo]);


        return true;
    catch(Exception $e)
        return false;
        //echo $e->getMessage();

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