In question of organization it is relevant to separate methods into different classes.
If we organize the methods in different classes in order to create a better organization, we can have a negative impact on the performance of the program?
For example, I have an application where several methods are in one class only, if I create new classes to house specific categories of methods, I can have a negative impact?
It is a little vague to evaluate these impacts without knowing what is the function of your code, The interesting is to know very well the Design Patterns (Patterns) to choose the one that best suits you. All choices are renunciations, too. Search a little about the subject: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padr%C3%A3o_de_project_de_software#Padr.C3.B5es_gof_.28.27Gang_of_Four.27.29.3B
– Lucas Micheleto