For each result, a new line in php


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I have a database where in the table users I have the columns:

| imp_cod1 | imp_local1 | imp_cod2 | imp_local2 | imp_cod3 | imp_local3 |
|       13 | RECEPÇÃO   |          |            |       18 | CEO        |

Note that the values of imp2 are all empty, for in this case only imp1 has data. In my html code I use the following format to display the information of imp1:

 <div class="panel-body">
    <table class="table table-bordered">
                <th scope="row"><?php echo $imp_cod1; ?></th>
                <td><b><?php echo $imp_local1; ?></b></td>
                <td><?php echo $imp_modelo1; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo $imp_contador1; ?></td>
                <td><button type="button" class="btn btn-round btn-success"><?php echo $imp_situacao1; ?></button></td>

Today, when I have a second die on imp2, imp3... i will manually and create a new field of results as the above mentioned example <tr>

I wonder if there’s any way I can make it automatic so I don’t have to keep editing PHP every time I insert or delete new data in the table.

Connection code with db (every page that requires the user to be logged in has a include for this page):

Code of my page where I am having difficulties to include new lines automatically: (in line 251 has the first data fill, it ends in 257. Just below there are 7 more fills where I have already left ready.)

Now suppose the user only has the imp1 and all the others are empty, yet my system will search all the others and leave blank, and because the html code is already created, it leaves the created lines but blank as well. I would like to know if I can make this become automatic, in theory: if the imp field is empty do not create line, otherwise create line and fill in data...

If I am going the wrong way in logic I am able to change, I am beginner and was urgently at the end of this.

Follow photo of how the system gets even with blank data:

Dados em branco

  • You want to be able to have imp_cod4, imp_cod5, imp_cod6, etc or you want to put more lines, type line1: |imp_cod1|imp_local1|imp_cod2|imp_local2|imp_cod3|imp_local3| Linha2: |imp_cod1|imp_local1|imp_cod2|imp_local2|imp_cod3|imp_local3| and so on?

  • In fact I have already created the imp_ until the 8 because this is as much as I need. What I need is some "check" script if it has any value within imp and if there is it create a new line in html.

  • Come on : 1-"Note that the values of imp2 and imp3 are all empty", in my view imp_local3 it’s not empty, but it’s just a detail. 2- Can you put the code that searches for this data, the code above the table ? 3-"When I have a second given in imp2, imp3... I will manually and create a new field" you refer to creating a new row of table html ?

  • 1 - I’m sorry for my remark, imp3 really has data. 2 - Should I post the complete code right here or outside? 3 - exactly that, I always go there and create a new line in the html where I manually insert an echo $imp_cod2 database "extract".

  • is using Pdo?

  • Has not while or foreach in that code?

  • 2-You can edit your question and place the missing...

  • 1

    The point is that this is not a database, at most, an array... The correct one was to have a table with fields: code, location, model, counter and each row of the table would represent a printer. In this way, it could have 8, 80 or 8000 printers, one per line, as a spreadsheet. In the logic that it appears to use, just by fiddling with the code every time. Dai doesn’t need php code, it does it in html even if it comes cheaper.

  • Good morning guys, I edited the question with the codes I use. Thanks for the return

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1 answer


It is noticeable that your code sins by data normalization.

Although your problem is not the repetition of data between records, you end up creating repeated columns, which is practically impossible to have maintenance only by PHP code (there is always a gambiarra that solves). Your problem is fixed by 1FN

Basically you have a 1.* (one-to-Many or one-to-many) relationship. Being your unique record the user and the registration related to imp.

As a diagram, we can define the relationship as (I will only use the required fields):

Relacionamento entre user e imp - agregação

This aggregation-type relationship allows you to have an infinite number of locations to associate with the user.

Another case can occur if you have a defined and limited list of locations. In this case, the relationship will change and will be considered a simple association:

Relacionamento entre user e imp - associação simples

Basically, the relationship above is for when you have, for example, a list of printers. And these printers can be shared among users, but there can be no printers other than those previously registered in the table imp.

As a curiosity, there is another case, which is an extension of the second example, is when you have a set amount of items (10 printers), but the printers cannot be shared. Whoever "gets" the printer will have booked it and will be accessible only to the linked user.

In the latter case, just add the column imp_id table user_has_imp as a unique key. This way, a printer cannot be shared between users and will continue with the possibility of a user having more than one printer.

Regardless of the approach chosen, both will give you the possibility and flexibility of how many associations create.

For code question, just return the association:

//prepared statement da PDO
$query = 'SELECT * FROM imp WHERE user_id = :userid';


//prepared statement da PDO
$query = 'SELECT * FROM imp WHERE id IN (SELECT imp_id FROM user_has_imp WHERE user_id = :userid)';

With the return of the data, simply loop the result:

$statement = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM imp WHERE user_id = :userid');
$statement->bindValue(':userid' , $userId);

foreach($statement->fetch() as $row)

Now suppose that the user only has the imp1 and all the others are empty, even so my system will search all the others and leave blank, and because the html code is already created, it leaves the created lines but also blank. I would like to know if I can make this become automatic, in theory: if the imp field is empty do not create line, otherwise create line and fill in data...

Just use the logic of foreach, above, to create the HTML. It will only be created for the results that exist.

PS.: All codes are just examples.

PS. 2: names created by Mysqlworkbench.

  • 1

    Thank you so much for the return Gabriel! I am aware that my code is sinning a lot in the organization... Do you suggest that I create a new table where I point them imp with the id of the user to whom it belongs? From what I understand, this way would be easier to deal with the code.

  • Exactly. This would be the first example, where you can have as many imp as you want for a user without quantity limitations.

  • I get it. Actually I am using the script in this format because I am inexperienced in the subject and as the rest was already created, I thought it would be easier to keep so, given that I do not yet know how to use the JOIN command to "turn on" as imp of a separate table with its respective user. Would it be too much to ask for an example in practice of how to do this? Or do you think I should study more under the subject before wanting to apply it? Thank you again for your attention.

  • With the examples given, you don’t even need to use JOIN, just scroll through the queries and go nesting one by one. About joins, I would have to ask another question and/or study. Look at this link, an explanation of me about joins, is very basic: p=1864034

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