Hello, I have an array with li, I need to compare the values of the attributes, all need to be equal. example..
I have 2 li inside a ul
<li onclick="controle.selecionarVolta(this)" data-id="3" data-name="Rotina 3" data-criar="0" data-leitura="0" data-alterar="0" data-deletar="0" data-visitante="0" style="background: none;">Rotina 3</li>
<li onclick="controle.selecionarVolta(this)" data-id="3" data-name="Rotina 3" data-criar="0" data-leitura="0" data-alterar="0" data-deletar="0" data-visitante="1" style="background: none;">Rotina 2</li>
I need to check that all date values are equal to the two...
date-name, date-create, date-change, date-delete and date-visitor..
All must contain the same value, if they have the same value me returns true;
I’m getting these read this way..
var lista = document.querySelector('.rotinas_selecionadas').getElementsByTagName('li')
then I need to go through this list, and check if all the dates I said above are equal...
Thank you for your ja ;D
Sorry, I put that it was an array, actually are objects