MS SQL server Storeprocedure returning resultset


Viewed 98 times


I am new to SQL server and I need to create an SP that does the processing of certain tables and save changes and after giving me the result of these changes as a table-value Function for PHP. tried that :

        create procedure auto_fill_teste
        DECLARE @temp_table table(qtd int);

        insert into @temp_table 
        SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysobjects;

        insert into @temp_table 
        SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysindexes;    

        SELECT * FROM @temp_table;

and in php I have the following codes

    class MsSQLConnection {
        protected $MSconn;
        protected $serverName = 'localhost';
        protected $connectionOptions = array("Database" => "master", "UID" => "as", "PWD" => "123456");
        public $query;

        function conecta_MSSQL() {
            $this->MSconn = sqlsrv_connect($this->serverName, $this->connectionOptions);
            if (!$this->MSconn) {

        function executar($sql,$params = array(),$options = array("Scrollable" => "buffered")) {
            if (!$this->MSconn) {
            $this->query=sqlsrv_prepare($this->MSconn, $sql, $params, $options);
            sqlsrv_execute( $this->query );


        function arrayx($a = null) {
            if (empty($a))
                $a = $this->query;      
            return sqlsrv_fetch_array($a, SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH);

    $conexao = new MsSQLConnection();


    $conexao->executar("Exec dbo.auto_fill_teste");

    while($row = $conexao->arrayx(NULL)){
        print_r("$row <br>");

Yet nothing is returned; already if I run the command in manager studio it returns the resultset from temp_table as expected.

  • In management studio it returns what? 3 selects? What changes from normal queries to SP is that you need to handle multiple returns.

  • returns only 1 resultset with two lines

  • something like that! Aphqippehrqggsy3hecz7jq0bzv7

2 answers


Initially put a parameter in arrayx() to treat SP return. Use the function sqlsrv_next_result() to know if there is something returned by the bank, if yes do the fetch_array() of all items and return to the end of the function.

function arrayx($a = null, $sp = false) {
    if (empty($a)) $a = $this->query; 

        $next_result = sqlsrv_next_result($a);
        $itens = array();
            while($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($a, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)){
                $itens[] = $row;

        return $itens;
    return sqlsrv_fetch_array($a, SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH);

The flame must stay like this:

$conexao = new MsSQLConnection();
$conexao->executar("Exec dbo.auto_fill_teste");
$result = $conexao->arrayx(NULL, true);


I found!!! sql server returns a result for each command within SP, this tbm include the Insert/updates/Deletes among others, informing the amount of affected lines.

for this you have to go navigating between the resultssets as in the link

to work my gambit,:

class MsSQLConnection {
    protected $MSconn;
    protected $serverName = 'localhost';
    protected $connectionOptions = array("Database" => "master", "UID" => "as", "PWD" => "123456");
    public $query;

    function conecta_MSSQL() {
        $this->MSconn = sqlsrv_connect($this->serverName, $this->connectionOptions);
        if (!$this->MSconn) {

    function executar($sql,$params = array(),$options = array("Scrollable" => "buffered")) {
        if (!$this->MSconn) {
        $this->query=sqlsrv_prepare($this->MSconn, $sql, $params, $options);
        sqlsrv_execute( $this->query );


    function arrayx($a = null) {
        if (empty($a))
            $a = $this->query;      
        return sqlsrv_fetch_array($a, SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH);

    function  proximoResultset($a = null){
        if (empty($a))
            $a = $this->query;
        return sqlsrv_next_result($a);

$conexao = new MsSQLConnection();


$conexao->executar("Exec dbo.auto_fill_teste");

while ($conexao->proximoResultset()) {
    while ($row = $conexao->arrayx(NULL, "both")) {
        print_r("$row[0] <br>");

With this he was skipping the results of Insert and when he arrived in the RS I wanted he foiled the values of select

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