Autoreplace does not work using fileinput bootstrap


Viewed 108 times


The idea is this:

When selecting image, it will directly save in the database without using save button.

Here is an example:

Follows the code:


<input id="input-705" name="kartik-input-705[]" type="file" multiple class="file-loading">


var $input = $("#input-705");
    uploadUrl: "@Url.Action("Upload", "Controller", new { id = Model.Id})", // server upload action
    uploadAsync: false,
    showUpload: false, // hide upload button
    showRemove: false, // hide remove button
    minFileCount: 1,
    maxFileCount: 1,
    autoReplace: true
}).on("filebatchselected", function(event, files) {
    // trigger upload method immediately after files are selected

On the line autoReplace: true is not working. When you select another image, you are not doing autoReplace.

On his website speaks the autoReplace example:

What am I doing wrong ?

  • A syntax error is the comma after the true, start by removing it.

  • I’ve already removed the comma

  • Follow the image,

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