Javascript regular expression to validate user name size


Viewed 435 times


I need a regular Javascript expression that meets the following rules:

  • Between 2 and 255 characters
  • In low box (Lower case)
  • Contain only alphanumerics, underline (_), dot (.) or hyphen (-).
  • tip, this site is very good for testing your regex and tbm lets you save and share them.

  • 2

    Need to allow accented characters?

2 answers


Try this to capture exact line:


Play by the rules:

  • Between 2 and 255 characters
  • In low box (Lower case)
  • Contains only alphanumerics, unerline (_), dot (.) or hyphen (-).


The regex looks like this:

  • 2

    William, two small corrections: the character -(dash) should be at the end of the list, otherwise it will be interpreted as an interval, similar to a-z. And if I’m not mistaken there’s no need to escape .(dot) inside the brackets[].

  • Good! I did it in my head. You’re right, corrected.

  • Must escape the point.

  • Special characters (such as the dot (.) and the asterisk(*)) it has no meaning when it is within a character set. It does not need to use escape in them. But using exhaust will also work.

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