Javascript function is giving error


Viewed 31 times


This function is not even being called and is giving error. It does not say exactly the error, but it gives error when entering the form:

function ChangeSituacao(){
        var vRads = document.getElementsByName('ind_situacao');
        for(var i = 0; i < vRads.Length; i++){

The idea go through a collection of Radiobutton and pick up what is checked and then apply the business rule. What is wrong this function?

  • 2

    You’re not shutting down your for

  • 1

    .Length must be in small print... => .length.

1 answer


Yours is not being closed

function ChangeSituacao(){
        var vRads = document.getElementsByName('ind_situacao');
        for(var i = 0; i < vRads.Length; i++){
        } //Você esqueceu de fechar o for aqui

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