What is the best way to develop icons for Android apps?


Viewed 92 times


What is the best way to develop icons in Android apps?

Exemplo icones [

  • 1

    The best way to develop icons is to draw them!

2 answers


It’s in Phophotoshop
It is a professional program and in it you will have all the necessary tools to be able to produce icons at a professional level.


If you are using Android IDE Stúdio it already has a tool that converts image to icon... in this case you will in:

right button in app folder > New > Image Asset (there you import the image and it already converts to icons) hope you helped!

  • In Eclipse if the person installed everything you need to develop android app in the right way, when setting up the project also appear options for icons. By the way, as emulator I suggest using Genymotion.

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