How do I pass an array of data to a readable view?


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How I pass a result from a select to a view?

public function index()
    $equipams = DB::table('equipamentos')
            ->select('equipamentos.*', 'tipoequipamentos.descricaotipoequip', 'locals.descricaolocal',
                     'tipoequipamentos.descricaotipoequip', 'fabricantes.descricaofabricante',
            ->join('tipoequipamentos', '','=', 'equipamentos.idtipoequipamento')
            ->join('fabricantes', '','=', 'equipamentos.idfabr')
            ->join('fornecedors', '','=', 'equipamentos.idforn')
            ->join('locals', '','=', 'equipamentos.idloca')

    //$equipamentos = \App\Models\Portal\Equipamento::paginate(3);
    return view('portal.equipamento.index', 'equipam');
  • In view: @forelse ($equipams as) Date error: syntax error, Unexpected ')', expecting '('

  • Would not be @foreach($equipams as $equipam)?

1 answer



return view('portal.equipamento.index', compact('equipams'));

Or so:

return view('portal.equipamento.index', ['equipams'=>$equipams]);

No view can reference like this $equipams.

I recommend reading the documentation or a tutorial, because this is a very basic question.

  • It worked perfectly. One thing I find funny that the links() function does not work with selects arrays? Only with tablets?

  • If I pass as array gives error. If I pass as object gives another error: Call to Undefined method stdClass:links()

  • That’s why you’re using ->get(), should instead use ->paginate(15), for pages of 15 elements for example. More details: Ah, and don’t forget to mark this answer with correct, as it solved your problem.

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