CRUD plugin for Wordpress


Viewed 2,175 times


Someone knows a tool (plugin) that allows you to customize CRUDS simple and access them in the wordpress interface?

2 answers


It is not an interface, but only pointing here that it is not necessary any plugin to make generic Cruds within Wordpress. The system uses a global class called $wpdb that already brings with it an open connection to the bank, so just use it as you would use a PDO instance, for example.

Example of the Codex:

    global $wpdb;

            "DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta
             WHERE post_id = %d
             AND meta_key = %s
            13, 'gargle' 

In the same way that you can run queries against the standard WP tables (as in the example) you can run against any other table that is in the same database.

  • In this sense there is a very interesting explanation here: But, in fact, I was looking for plugins.


  • None free, right?

  • in fact none of those I mentioned is free... as the question did not make any specification in this regard, I thought paid options would also be worth the answer =)

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