Scroll on page adds "ACTIVE" class to menu


Viewed 3,942 times


Hello, I’m having trouble getting jquery to add a class active to the menu Fixed at the top.

anyone who wants to see the site to better understand follows the link.

Site Safira

I want the class to be added when I scroll on the page and I am going through the section in question, if I am in the "Y" section, the menu is active in the "Y"

3 answers


Here is a suggestion:


  • creates a function addClass to assign the class to the li from the right menu
  • cache the li's of the menu and the positions of each section, as well as each element section
  • listen to the event scroll and find the corresponding menu item (i) at last section which have the position below the scroll (namely: the scroll have passed through it). Here (if (scroll > this)) can adjust with a numeric value for if to fire sooner or later. For example: if (scroll > this - 100) will assign the class a little earlier.
  • listen to the click also and add corresponding class

jQuery / Javascript

function addClass(el) {

var menu = $('#meuMenu .nav li');
var sectionPositions = $('section').map(function(){
    return $(this).position().top;
var sections = $('section');
$(document).on('scroll', function () {
    var scroll = $(document).scrollTop();
    var currentElement;
    $(sectionPositions).each(function (i) {
        if (scroll > this - 50) currentElement = menu[i];
    currentElement && addClass(currentElement);
menu.on('click', function () {

Now you just need to add to CSS (or use what you already have):

    border: 1px green solid; # ou outra propriedade que goste

You can also change the CSS directly in the element, thus using:

function addClass(el) {
    menu.find('a').css('color', 'inherit');
    $(el).find('a').css('color', 'blue');

Note: You have an error at line 129 of the index file:


$(nav navbar-nav menu a).removeClass('active');

for the code below (with quotation marks):

    $('nav navbar-nav menu a').removeClass('active');
//    ^                     ^
  • Perfect Would like to know now how I do to take the class back to the top of the page.

  • @Manzetti.Nis, when? What should be the cause that makes taking the class and going to the top again? Can you explain better?


$(nav navbar-nav menu a).removeClass('active');
return false;

  • It would be interesting to explain your solution to make your answer more complete.


You need to detect the click on your menu and add a class in case active, as quoted, example:

$('#meuMenu ul li').click(function(){
    $('#meuMenu ul li').removeClass('active');    



  • right, but I want the class to be added when I scroll on the page and I am going through the section in question, if I am in the "Y" section, the menu is active in the "Y"

  • Take a look at this answer: - Jsfiddle

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