How to access view components that are inside a Listview Xamarin Forms


Viewed 534 times


I need to access the properties of the components created on View to set some values (example height and width), but are within a ListView, with that, in the .cs I can’t give This.Component even with the x:Name.

I tried this way, but it didn’t work:

var stkEditarEndereco = this.FindByName<StackLayout>("stkEditarEndereco");

How can I solve this problem ?

3 answers


To access on Xamarin.Forms the components created in the XAML file, you must set the property x:Name, as the example below:

<ListView x:Name="DemoListView" />

To change its properties in code Behind (.Cs), enter the following data:

DemoListView.RowHeight = 100;

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  • I already did that friend, only the components that are inside Listview does not let pull by x:Name

  • What specifically do you need to change? Have the file xaml to post? Possibly the best solution would be to implement everything via code Cs.

  • I need to change the image of a button inside Listview, but it won’t let me access it even with x:Name. Know some other way ?

  • Look at this post I answered. There is an option to create Resourcedictionary for the image, but remember that it is necessary to inform the path for each platform in the case of Xamarin.Forms.


wouldn’t it be better to use the Styles concept to define this type of property ? that way you can even reuse your layout.

For example, in my app I have a listview that I need a specific layout, with the style stayed that way:

<Style x:Key="listGroup" TargetType="ListView">
    <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="{DynamicResource Snow}" />
    <Setter Property="IsGroupingEnabled" Value="True"/>

On listview it looked like this:

  Style="{DynamicResource listGroup}"
  GroupDisplayBinding="{Binding Key}"
  GroupShortNameBinding="{Binding Key}"
  ItemsSource="{Binding ListaFiltro}" SeparatorVisibility="None"
  SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedPedido}">
        <Grid Padding="5">
            <RowDefinition Height="20"></RowDefinition>
            <RowDefinition Height="20"></RowDefinition>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="40"></ColumnDefinition>

          <Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Text="{Binding Id}" LineBreakMode="TailTruncation">

          <Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Text="{Binding Parceiro.CardName}" Font="Small" TextColor="Gray" LineBreakMode="TailTruncation"></Label>


The important section here is the Style="{Dynamicresource listGroup}" .

This example is in the direct listview, but depending on the control inside your listview you can make a specific style for it.

  • is that what happens is this, I created the normal listview, and inside her cells has a frame with a stacklayout inside, and inside the stacklayout an image button. This image button is getting the different size in each version of android, marshmallow, Lollipop and Kitkat. In another view, I did a check before to know what the android version is and assign the right image to the button according to this version. And that’s what I wanted to try to do in this View that contains Listview


To change component sizes you can use XAML properties like Heightrequest and Widhrequest.

But if there is a need to change or perform something in code Behind you can create a Customcell To listview Seehere!

  • I’m already using heightRequest and Widthrequest, but in a certain time I need these properties to be changed, and I need this to be done in code Behind. However, when I try to take control with x:Name it does not leave because it is inside Listview.

  • In this case I recommend creating a contentView . perform all the programming you need and put it in control. Put here as this your Listview I give an example more Clear

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